Do they make tow hooks like this? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Do they make tow hooks like this?


Hokius Maximus
December 14, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Denver, CO
Year, Model & Trim Level
'98 TJ Sport
I'm thinking about mounting tow hooks on the inside of my frame rails (in front of the radiator) and I'm wondering if tow hooks/loops like this can be bought. These are different than the Z71 hooks. The are basically a tow hook that has a eye/loop instead of a hook.

Anybody know if hooks/loops/eyes like this are made?


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I've seen something similar to that at the salvage yard. I think it was on a Chevy pick up 1500 or 2500. the loop rolls off to the side. now the one I saw was upside down which is why the loop is so rounded but it could be mounted upsdie down

Just find an '88 or newer Chevy (pronounced Shovey) pickup. They'll have what you need.

Actually, the Chevy tow hooks look like this (I crawled under one today to confirm)

I'm looking one with the mounting holes drilled like I posted above, not like the chevy ones (which have the holes drilled like the pic in this post)


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maybe check on some jeep wranglers?

Originally posted by Hokie
Actually, the Chevy tow hooks look like this (I crawled under one today to confirm)

I'm looking one with the mounting holes drilled like I posted above, not like the chevy ones (which have the holes drilled like the pic in this post)

Dang Hokie you're right! What was I thinking. I guess I wasn't huh.

I have a pair of tow hooks off of my old 78' Bronco. They look exactly to what your looking for.

Maybe you should look for something around those years.

Hey swak.. did you bolt all the way through the frame or slip the nuts inside? How hard are the hooks to get to? I'm afraid that if I do it like that i'll tear up the bumper if i get pulled out of a hole or by a taller truck

when u have the bumper off, u just fish it in to the hole that u made. mine is tied down to the bottom of the frame, not thru the whole frame. the fun part was drilling 1/2 inch holes into the existing holes... and i recommend putting some plastic sheild between yourhand and the falling hot metal pieces.
when i wheel, i have my front bumper off. so, not a big problem. there are holes at the bottom of the bumpers that will allow access to the hooks.

there :)

i am being a smart a$$. let me check later and i will let u kow.. i know there were a few.

Check with BlueBird corporation or anyone else that makes school busses. I see them all the time on the back of them.


Interesting... that and the newer tahoe's have different tow hooks (than the regular, flat Z71 hooks) They actually have an angle built into the hook, so they could probably work for this purpose. Time to find a chevy dealer

Found the hooks i'm looking for. They're off of a late 80's early 90's Chevy S10/15 and all of its GM counterparts. Time to find the junkyard!

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