Ford 5.0L 302ci engine swap electrical information
I installed a '00 302 in an '82 Volvo and I suspect that the body wiring of the '78 is going to be very similar. Your '97 is easier because you do not have PATS to deal with.
Here are the C115 connections I had to satisfy.
1.) Pin 1 (red/light green) (circuit 16, page 13-16) Ignition coils power
2.) Pin 2 (tan/yellow) (circuit 11, page 62-2) Tachometer
3.) Pin 3 (pink/light blue) (circuit 915, page 25-6) Data port
4.) Pin 4 (red/light green) (circuit 810, pages 30-2, 59-6) Brake torque converter unlock
5.) Pin 5 (dark green/yellow) (circuit 238, page 25-1) Fuel pump on signal
6.) Pin 6 (pink/light green) (circuit 658, page 23-2) Dash MIL/CEL
7.) Pin 8 (yellow) (circuit 37, page 25-1) PCM permanent B+
8.) Pin 9 (red) (circuit 361, page 25-2) Fuel injector/IAC/MASF B+
9.) Pin 11 (tan/orange) (circuit 914, page 25-6) Data Port
10.) Pin 12 (tan/white) (circuit 234, page 30-2) Transmission Control Switch (OD Lock out)
11.) Pin 15 (light blue/orange) (circuit 926, page 25-1) Fuel pump relay
12.) Pin 16 (red/white) (circuit 39, page 62-2) Coolant Temperature Sensor
13.) Pin 22 (violet) (circuit 107, page 14-1, 25-6) PCM reprogramming power from Data Port
14.) Pin 26 (dark green/white) (circuit 253, page 62-2) engine oil sensor
15.) Pin 34 (black/white) (circuit 570, page 10-2) Ground
16.) Pin 36 (light blue/orange) (circuit 34, page 13-5, 25-6) O2 sensor/transmission power
17.) Pin 40 (white/light green) (circuit 911, page 62-6) 'OD OFF' indicator light
18.) Pin 41 (light green/red) (circuit 904, page 12-1) ALT light
19.) Pin 42 (yellow/white) (circuit 36 page 12-1) Alternator power
The circuit and page references are to the Ford Electrical Schematic book which I would suggest would be a handy reference. They are usually available on eBay for $20 or so but all the pages you need can be found here:
Getting all that to work will require the addition of at least 3 relays, Start, Fuel Pump and Torque Converter unlock. You are also going to have to add a high pressure fuel pump. For a long discussion, too long a discussion, on the subject see here.
Further information, especially regarding PATS and the C115 and C202 harness connectors, can be found here:
Further questions, just ask.