Double DIN Install? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Double DIN Install?


Active Member
May 16, 2009
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City, State
Springfield, OH
Year, Model & Trim Level
'00 Mountaineer AWD V8
I can get a Eclipse DD at a really good price, but i'm just wondering if there is anything i'd need to fab up or buy to install it in my Mountie? I've seen pics of a couple people here with AVICs, So it can't be to hard to get the Double in there. :thumbsup:

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I am going to be installing a double din in my truck either Thursday or Friday... I did some research a while back and if memory serves me correctly you have to go down to a decent car audio shop and buy a double din dash kit [$14 here] and trim a couple very small pieces off of your radio bezel.

I can confirm this on Friday tho :)

I am going to do this with my 2006 Explorer XLT this week. I have done a lot of research and Metra makes the best looking double din kits. You can get them online or you can go to your local Bestbuy and get them from the install area. You will need to get a wiring harness. Scosche and Metra both make wiring harnesses that fit Explorers/Mountaineers. I got a Pioneer AVH-P3200DVD that has a 5.6" Video screen. What model double din did you get?

I am going to do this with my 2006 Explorer XLT this week. I have done a lot of research and Metra makes the best looking double din kits. You can get them online or you can go to your local Bestbuy and get them from the install area. You will need to get a wiring harness. Scosche and Metra both make wiring harnesses that fit Explorers/Mountaineers. I got a Pioneer AVH-P3200DVD that has a 5.6" Video screen. What model double din did you get?

best buy doesn't sell the kit in the store to work on his '98 mountie, but it is on

as stated, you buy the dbl din kit then you have to cut/shave/trim the top and bottom lips inside the radio opening of the dash. pretty simple with the right tools. i keep my old dremel in my tool box just for these

I have a double din kit by Metra installed in mine with a DD head unit if you'd like a picture just to get an idea what it looks like.

x2 cut/shave/trim the top and bottom lips inside the radio opening of the dash. didn't buy a trim kit, and deck stays in on its own.

I did this with my double din and it worked fine, small gap on each side, less then 1/4", but nobody notices anyways, they say it looks stock. ill take a picture tommorow
