driver window auto down function | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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driver window auto down function

June 9, 2014
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Year, Model & Trim Level
1995 ford explorerxlt 4wd
The automatic down function on my driver window hasn't worked since I've owned my x. I know its not a big deal cause the window still works but I'm in the process of nit picking all the little bs things lol. Any ideas?

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The automatic down function on my driver window hasn't worked since I've owned my x. I know its not a big deal cause the window still works but I'm in the process of nit picking all the little bs things lol. Any ideas?

according to the wiring diagram, there's a relay that controls this (one touch down relay). check your owner's manual to see if it's identified in the power distribution box. if not, it's in the dash somewhere. maybe over the gas pedal area.

The one touch down relay is in a little relay box to the right of the gas pedal. ^

Awesome. Thanks guys! Now do either of you have ideas about why my driver door only sometimes activates the dome lights when opened? Passenger side works fine but driver door is moody! Lol

try shooting some wd40 in the door latch on the door and shut it and open it a few times the little sensor may be dirty

Thanks ill try that. Also, I checked the relay for the auto down and its fine. any other suggestions?

If changing out the relay didn't fix it, next thing to do is to look for a broken wire(s) in the body to door wiring loom; there are several wires that could affect it's operation. Finally, the problem could be with the GEM, as that is what actually operates the one touch down relay based on a signal from the door switch. The GEM also controls the battery saver relay and the accessory delay relay - if neither of those functions work also, then the GEM is most likely bad. Good luck.

thanks for the help guys . Its been real hectic lately sorry for the delay. ill be looking for a wire diagram of which wire going through the loom effects the function cause all the other functions work so I assume its not the gem. if anyone has a diagram I'd be greaatful! thanks again

thanks for the help guys . Its been real hectic lately sorry for the delay. ill be looking for a wire diagram of which wire going through the loom effects the function cause all the other functions work so I assume its not the gem. if anyone has a diagram I'd be greaatful! thanks again

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