Driver's side rear dipping. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Driver's side rear dipping.


Elite Cabin-Fever Captain
March 24, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Centralia, Washington
Year, Model & Trim Level
91 , 93 & 01 Sports
I have been meaning to address this but have just been too busy. For the last year my Ex has about a 1/2 to 1" sag on the drivers side rear. Is this a shock problem or spring? I will measure the sag at lunch and post it.

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it's normal, it's because of the constant weight of the gas tank on that side, it'll usually droop about that much. Somehow my 94' never developed it and probably never will with the Edelbrocks on there for over a year:p.

I typically run 1/2 tank on average unless I'm taking a trip. I figuer it's a good way to keep the weight down and hopefully not develope that droop. Yeah it intells more stops at the pump, but I don't mind, my front window needs cleaning every other day anyway. :D

That's what I was thinking but my wife's 94 doesn't droop. This is a constant droop whether the tank is full or empty.

Is there something I can do to level the side out? Maybe adding shackles or going with a better shock?

Jack, they were meaning that over time the weight cause the sag, not just when its full it sags. Anyway, I'd swap the springs side to side, rear first, and maybe front too.

I'm just doing it for preventive purposes.

Good idea about swaping springs.

Originally posted by Byrd91
Anyway, I'd swap the springs side to side, rear first, and maybe front too.

Really front also? Why the front all the sag is in the rear I measured it at lunch.

Why not just go to salvage yard and get a spring from the other side? That should keep me riding level for a while shouldn't it?

I am wanting to get some lift on my ex anyway. I was thinking about A 2" body lift then adding a suspension lift down the road. Maybe I should look at doing something sooner.

Yea, the extra weight tends to sag Explorers over time. My company has owned many 1st gens over the years and each tends to sag on the RIGHT side after awhile. This is because we organize our equipment/tools with more weight on the right. The swapping of the leafs from side to side is a good idea..........I may have to try that. Thanks Byrd91

