Driveshaft question regarding 7" lift | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Driveshaft question regarding 7" lift


Active Member
April 22, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Houston, Texas
Year, Model & Trim Level
'97 XLT
Hey everyone,
This week I am putting on my 7" lift which consists of:

3" spindles
4" Torsion Twist

5.5" SOA
1.5" Add-a-leafs

The big question is.... Will I need a longer driveshaft and where do I get an extension? I drive a 97 XLT.

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4in TT... that sounds real good... Smooth like a caddy... Sounds to me like if you could even get 4in out of a TT that it'll be maxed and drive/ride like crap.

With a spring over and the rear axle reindexed you may or may not need a new driveshaft. I know one person who did not need a new drive shaft after going soa and i know another one who did.

I would be more worried about replacing my cv's once a year after that much tt.
