Dual Exhaust, 2.5 or 2.25? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Dual Exhaust, 2.5 or 2.25?

jonny 5

Well-Known Member
October 25, 2001
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I will soon be getting a dual exhaust for my truck and was wondering wether to get 2.25 or 2.5 inch piping. I heard things such as losing backpressure and such, which one would be better for a V6 SOHC?

If anyone could post somepics of the DUAL exhausts that would be great!

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I am just curious, but, why as dual exhaust?


Aldive, I just think they look much cooler with two pipes exiting out of the rear of the vehicle.

Any suggestions on pipe size? I looking at 2 Flowmaster 50 series mufflers and the guy rough-quoted it at about $400 bucks, does this sound right? Or should I get a dual-out muffler and same setup as 98FordX24?

welp, forget about using dual exhaust, read that I'll lose to much backpressure. Also, it looks like I'll be using a 2.25" diameter pipe.

Let me know I'f I missed something

I run a single exhaust; 2 1/2" from the cat back.

Wie\rks great.....
