Dual exhaust, waste of $$? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Dual exhaust, waste of $$?


Active Member
May 25, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Philla, PA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'95 4-Door
I have a 95 XLT, and want the dual exhaust look. However, i have the stock system in there already, single inlet, single outlet with the 2 inch pipe going out the rear of the X.

I talked to the muffler place and they are willing to hook me up and run a Y connector after the single outlet and branch two exhaust pipes to each rear side of my X. Like 10 ft of pipes and i supply them with two exhaust tips. Or i could have them do duals to one side.

I know this isn't the 'true' dual system, but THIS setup will run me about $90-$100 for the pipes and install but no tips which might be another $30.

It would give me the look which i want, but i'm not really asking for any added performance, what do you guys think????

Go for it. Don't worry about it not being a true dual, you wouldn't want that anyways.

If they use SS tubing, you won' t need tips, and it won't rust either

Most of the cars on the road today appear to have dual exhaust but don't , sooo why not get the look you want and keep the performance ..... True duals will only decrease your torque . Post some pics when your done .
