East Coast 10th Anniversary Poll - Choose Where | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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East Coast 10th Anniversary Poll - Choose Where

Where should the east coast run be held?

  • Crozet VA

    Votes: 8 17.8%
  • Paragon PA

    Votes: 14 31.1%
  • Tellico NC

    Votes: 12 26.7%
  • Uwharrie NC

    Votes: 8 17.8%
  • Windrock TN

    Votes: 3 6.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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We need to vote on where to have our 10th Anniversary run for the east coast. Please vote only if you plan on attending this run; this poll will decide where it will be held. Tentatively it may be scheduled for July 14-15, 2006.

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Gerald if we do URE it will be miserable at that time of the year... i recomend april or late fall.

Same for coal creek... HEAT of july is no fun when you dont have AC.

I noticed we already had a vote for Crozet... I think it shoudl be marked off the list due to the extreme difficulty. It is set up as more Rockcrawling than trail riding.

you must not remember being stock very well... Bumper valence is less than 6" off the ground. Rocker tupperware is 5-6" off the ground and those rocks are taller than that.

Like i said URE is boring b/c im only 45mins from there and hweel there all the time but it is very friendly to group runs like what we are after.

I do remember being stock.. Look at these photos..



The truck is completely stock on stock tires which are smaller than the 28" tires we have. I do plan on wheeling there in the near future to see what the blues are like in case we do decide.

I'd join you guys in Virginia.

dtl 2k2 sport said:
LOL, How about the beach,,?!!

That was briefly mentioned but then put aside since we thought if we went to a "park" there would be a variety of trails for different rigs.

nissanboy said:
Gerald if we do URE it will be miserable at that time of the year... i recomend april or late fall.

Same for coal creek... HEAT of july is no fun when you dont have AC.

I noticed we already had a vote for Crozet... I think it shoudl be marked off the list due to the extreme difficulty. It is set up as more Rockcrawling than trail riding.

Points well taken.

I had thought of the time of year too before I suggested July.... but if we had a run in April or fall, that would probably knock out all of the college students from attending.

I don't like deciding on Crozet either since none of us have actually been there, but I'm not sure how many stock vehicles will come no matter where we have the run. There's just a few of us participating in the chat thread and maybe one of them is a stocker. I'll go back to the chat thread and try to sort this out some more.

i think i am the smallest that has been writing in the thread, but that doesnt mean ill be the smallest that comes to the run.

I think we oughta stick to URE or Tellico. We know the areas and ammenities and can have fun for everyone.

I just voted for Uwharrie.... However I would like to retract my vote because I didn't realize that this was a trail-type run... I would love to attend any "club-type" events that I can... however I know my explorer wouldn't be able to handle the rocks and trails. However, I may come and just hang out and get to know some new people. But, since I probably won't be riding the trails, I don't think my vote on which trail it's at should matter!! Also, if anyone knows of any shows, or meets upcoming please email me at: littletaz36@yahoo.com

a stock explorer could do URE easily...so you can ride ;)

littletaz36 said:
But, since I probably won't be riding the trails, I don't think my vote on which trail it's at should matter!

Unless you aren't wanting to hit the trails, there will always be open seats.

Paragon has more than enough for everyone. But I will make it to whatever we decide. I will have an open back seat but not shotgun fpr anyone that wants to ride

I'm in for Paragon! Can't travel to the others though.

I voted Tellico, but would not complain if we went to URE :D

Uwharrie rocks your socks guys... THAT IS ALL!

I had started another thread about a run around the first weekend of October. Grozet was one option. We may go there and check it out if anybody else is interested. My thread is below. I would also be interested in this run depending on where you guys go. The way gas prices are, it will cost a fortune just to get there. :rolleyes:

Virginia Run

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I will be going were ever the run is.I am 2 weeler but will run the balls off of it as long as some onne can pull me out.Count me in guys werever it is.Can't wait.

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