Eating wheel bearings, need advice. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Eating wheel bearings, need advice.


September 20, 2012
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Year, Model & Trim Level
04 Mountaineer, 4.0l AWD
I was wondering how many wheel bearings does everyone go through in a year? I'm currently running spacers and 265/75/16's. My cragar soft 8's have about a 4 inch backspace which I'm thinking is the problem.
Since august I've replaced the front driver side, rear driver side, and now the front passenger needs its 3rd wheel bearing. Has anyone had better luck with a certain brand of bearing/hub assembly?


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Buy the ones with the life time replacement my advice to you! Save all paperwork/boxes on them, your set up will from what I have read on here will keep doing that with wheel bearings. I have done fronts on mine an the rears went in to be replaced! Fronts was easy as heck to replace rear ones have to be pressed in an plus the fun Wisconsin winter weather I wanted no part of that noise when my rear went bad I did both rears at same time one was bad other well I didnt wanna take the chance! Mine are Moog I have about 15000 miles on them so far no issues at all. Fronts are at about 17000 miles.

my advice would be not to buy generic ones and make sure you get timkin triple the price but they are way more likely to last i went through 3 sets of generic and then spent extra on timkin and now still going strong !!

Thanks guys, I've just had really bad luck lately with these. Just drove home from Minnesota. On the way I hit a small pothole and boom there goes the new one I put in just before I left. These Chinese parts are such hunks of junk!

Thanks guys, I've just had really bad luck lately with these. Just drove home from Minnesota. On the way I hit a small pothole and boom there goes the new one I put in just before I left. These Chinese parts are such hunks of junk!

i bought one from amazon last august...was about 50 bucks and its still trucking

about to put 1.5" spacers on my 265/70/17 wheels tho :(:(:(

If your looking for a good hub assembly go with a Timken its pretty indestructible and has a lifetime warranty. Cause ive had to replace 3 of 4 of mine and i dobt even have my spacers on yet. But i did go go with the timkens eventhough they can be a bit pricey.

i bought one from amazon last august...was about 50 bucks and its still trucking

about to put 1.5" spacers on my 265/70/17 wheels tho :(:(:(

Did it happen to be from detroit axle?

Spacer my be it.. I'm running 16x8 rims with a -12 offset... heavy as sh!! treadwrights..No spacer 285's.. I use the Detroit axles on my fronts an rears and get around 20- 30k short term.

Fronts are easy.. I now do the rears with a harbor freight wheel bearing kit... The 4 in back spacing pushes your wheel by 2 inches from original stock (looks like offset on cragar 16's is 0)... Spacing it out further prolly is stressing them a bit... Going to higher grade will cost more but they will still wear out sooner than 75k... That's why I go with the Detroit axles..

We don't recommend putting spacers on our products, we spec them to match OEM installations. In most cases, they will fit with spacers in, but we wouldn't expect them to last as long.

Let us know if you have any specific questions!

Ive been considering ditching the cragars and going with the OEM spare tire steelie that seems to be a stock offset to try and get some life out of the bearings.
I do have sterling 10.25 and a dana 60 sitting in my drive, I'm starting getting tempted :)

Does anyone know if the 2006+ have issues with their wheel bearings? I think the suspension is a different design.
