ECU code says O2 sensor is dying. Which sensor is which? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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ECU code says O2 sensor is dying. Which sensor is which?


Explorer Addict
February 6, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Levittown, NY (Long Island)
Year, Model & Trim Level
98 Sport 4.0 SOHC 4x4
a code pulled from my ECU said that one of my O2 sensors is on its way out. the code reader specified that it was "sensor #1 in bank #2". which one is that? from what i understand, there are 3 O2 sensors on a 98 SOHC Explorer...

-Sensor located in front manifold/exhaust pipe before catalyst on left side

-Sensor located in front manifold/exhaust pipe before catalyst on right side

-Downstream sensor, after catalyst

i'm guessing that its the "Downstream sensor, after catalyst", but that's just my uneducated guess; does anyone know for sure?


Tbomb, sensor 1 bank 2 is the upstream (first) sensor on the driver's side. Unfortunately it's the hardest one to reach.....good luck.

P.S. Check the wiring and plug first. Sometimes it'll burn on the exhaust manifold and trigger a code.

Runnin'OnEmpty said:
Tbomb, sensor 1 bank 2 is the upstream (first) sensor on the driver's side. Unfortunately it's the hardest one to reach.....good luck.

P.S. Check the wiring and plug first. Sometimes it'll burn on the exhaust manifold and trigger a code.

ok, thanks :)

Which O2 sensor code was it? Only a few codes actually call for the direct replacement of the O2, the others are indicators of an engine malfunction. Replacing the O2 is just shooting the messanger, wasting money, and not fixing the problem.
