ECX RUN IN WILMINGTON, NC (CAROLINA & KURE BEACHES) | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Elite Explorer<br>ECX Member
May 28, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
St Petersburg, FL
Year, Model & Trim Level
99' EB Expedition
Ok guys, Im no moderator or pres. or nothing... but we havent had any get togethers or nothing. We need to do something. Is there anyone that lives in the NC/SC that would be interested in some beach driving?? We need to get out and get together. We could go do some fishing or something on the beach. Lets get some input and see if anyone wants to actually do something with this club. Thanks all!! --MATT--

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Holy Isht a ECX run!? what's it been 2 years!? :D If it wasn't so damn far away and i wasn't suffering from fundsalow i'd make the trip out for this.

Yeah man.... Let others now were trying to do something.

Thats really far away for me right now. But we are planning a run in GWNF, VA in about 5 weeks. Prob gonna have 3-4 members and more vehicles. Anybody welcome...

I'll most likely make it wherever.

John Stanley~~ your the pres or something of the VA chp.... come on, help me set something up...

MY AOL Instant Messenger Name is: SurferVaBeach

Lets talk bout something

I might be... I have some friends that stay in Wilmington.

Would have to find some funds though, busy being a broke ass college student.

I'm up for it. As some of you know I get stuck in the middle of the ocean for weeks at a time being as I'm in the navy. But if it hits at the right time, I am very much down. My truck is itching to play, it's been a while.
