Emergency! Please Help! 2003 Eddie Bauer 4.6L | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Emergency! Please Help! 2003 Eddie Bauer 4.6L


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February 27, 2019
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2003 eddie bauer explorer
So, I have one key for my explorer. I did not know anything about a transponder key, and never heard of it. Well, I broke my one key, and the plastic piece broke from the metal key piece. I though nothing of it, walked to the hardware store with the key piece, and had a key made. Walked back home, and unlocked my door got in, put the key from the hardware store in the ignition, and tried to start it. Now, my car is dead. Apparently, using a non transponder key activated a security immobilizer? What can I do? I am getting kicked out of my home in just a few days, and I need my vehicle to move. Someone please help!

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So, I have one key for my explorer. I did not know anything about a transponder key, and never heard of it. Well, I broke my one key, and the plastic piece broke from the metal key piece. I though nothing of it, walked to the hardware store with the key piece, and had a key made. Walked back home, and unlocked my door got in, put the key from the hardware store in the ignition, and tried to start it. Now, my car is dead. Apparently, using a non transponder key activated a security immobilizer? What can I do? I am getting kicked out of my home in just a few days, and I need my vehicle to move. Someone please help!
If you have the plastic part of the old key, and it's intact, not destroyed, it contains a "chip" which is read by the transceiver surrounding the lock. Try putting the key you bought into the lock, then hold the plastic part up against it against the face of the lock, right next to the key, then turn key while holding the plastic in place. If it works and starts, the plastic part can be glued to the transceiver under the steering column shrouds, and any key which turns the lock will start the car. This will not work if the chip is damaged. imp

ok thank you, I will try that tomorrow.
Once you learn if this works, you need not hold the chip in place after starting up; proved out, the system keeps running until shut off again. Good luck! imp

I can't believe I'm recommending this as it's the wrong way to go about it.

Go back to the hardware store, this time with BOTH pieces and have them make you a cloned chip key. Not all stores offer this, I believe Walmart, AutoZone, OReilly, HomeDepot, and Lowes can do it.

Then when you're able to in the future order two genuine Strattec 5913441 keys off ebay then have them cut at Lowes or a locksmith then use Forscan to program them to the PCM (since you only have 1 unique key you can't add keys without ForScan or a NGS computer).
