Emergency tranny and engine swap 96 to 99 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Emergency tranny and engine swap 96 to 99

Denyka C Powell

Active Member
December 22, 2017
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1996, Ford Explorer XLT
Hi I am a fairly experienced Wrencher, however I'm 5-4 and a hundred 140 lbs, I have to take a manual transmission in the engine of a 96 falling apart XLT Ford and put it into a 1999 automatic, no tranny, oil coming out of the air intake manifold. I'm assuming the engines probably blown. My mechanic gave it to me apartments on Google maps work on his business.

Okay so that's what we're dealing with.

The Emergency :

Me: Single mom, one special needs child the other ADHD (or so they say,seriously hyper tho) 2 vehicles only one running. ONLY mode of transportation to get children to their therapeutic services and mother to work and grocery shopping, program blah blah blah
My Landlords "BUYERS Real. ESTATE" I have decided that we are not allowed to have any furniture or kid's bicycles in the yard or on the porch or on the back patio and no vehicles that do not run even though it's covered and it has valid plates it has to run or it's being towed on the 21st of this month I just got the Snows today which is the 18th I believe.

Okay so 96 Ford Explorer XLT "Lightning bolt" is his name as the kids call him. L. B. Is unfortunately rusting out and falling apart however my 99 will call her "Red" is at least suspension wise and body wise fairly nice looks good she has an engine in her but there's oil coming out of the blower holes when you put your finger in the Louver you can see grease and oil so I'm assuming her engine is blown. Now she has everything except a tranny. And she was once a automatic transmission.

I need advice on what would be the best quickest and logical choice of actions take engine and tranny and transfer case out of LB and place it into the red. Renting a cherry picker I'm trying to do that myself. I will have a one-legged guy friend to help me that is it OH! and a 6 in an 8 year old.
I have all the tools necessary to do such a swap minus the cherry picker.

Any help with this situation and keeping in mind very low-cost if possible in the suggestions. I would be so thankful and any step-by-step when I need to double-check and need to be done by Monday the 21st. And yes I can do all nighters the kids will be gone for the weekend.

Thank you soo much for your time and help I really appreciate any advice you can give me.

Any more questions please let me know.

Thank you again
Denyka P.

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I'm sorry for your situation, but today is the 19th, that leaves you only today and tomorrow to accomplish an engine and trans swap between 2 vehicles (and they are not the same trans type). I would never attempt this swap in such a short time period. I think you're just going to end up with a pile (perhaps 2 piles) or parts and 2 dead vehicles on the 21st. You might (might) be able to accomplish this with 3-4 experienced helpers, but it's still a ton of work. You might think you have all the tools necessary, but you probably do not.

I would not attempt this swap unless I had a 3rd vehicle to drive and a week or two to get the job done. You're not being realistic, a rusty bolt can cost you a 1/2 day to deal with and you apparently live in Alaska, where severe rust is the norm.

agreed with koda2000, converting a 99 auto to a manual transmission is not something you can do in that short amount of time and given your abilities. It is rather involved process to get a 5 speed in the 99 truck, you do not even have the parts you need like the 8 bolt flywheel for the 99 engine to convert from flexplate to flywheel.
I'm sorry but that is an un realistic goal!!
Now to remove the entire drivetrain from the 96 and install into the 99, that is a bit more realistic, but it is also very involved. The entire wiring harness & computer, exhaust system, fuel system, pedal assemblies, everything must be changed over. The 96 truck uses a return style fuel system, the 99 is returnless. The more you think about it, there is just no way you can pull this off in a week let alone 2 days and 2 nights! Sorry to break it to you this way but I am guessing this is why you came here to get this answer.

Now if you were down here in the lower 48 we may be able to band together and get you some help, not sure we have enough EF Alaskans in your village to pull this off. What part of Alaska are you in?
Your land lord sounds like a real piece of work

But I will lose the nicer truck. My window doesn't even roll up.



And my kids made it to school every day.

(bad weld job)

I forgot about the bolts Ima go WD 40 them now.

An I just got a make her run.

AND I have 66 hours (not just 24) they gave me the notice at like 8 pm yesterday Jerks.

But I don't have to be there when you are all here right now!

I don't talk much I know but I read it all...

LMAO! He said (She?(maybe. Doubt it)

Im In city. Kinda, we got Auto Zone and O'REILLYs

I can rent a cherry picker for sure.

I was just going to pick tranny engine and all out LB and slip it in Red so it's literally Motor mounts and tranny install, ignition switch and battery

All the wiring has been easily worked around and worked on lights and brake pedal Um, brake pedal safety brake switch? I think. I just had to quickly hard wire it no problems!

No new harnesses you guys gave me all of the wiring diagrams for both trucks!

The insides of LB AND SHELL of Red is all I need to do and they can save me a tow fee for the left over truck. They both red.

Win win if I can pull it off and I will.

Unfortunately WITH (PREFERRED) or without any guidance from you guys..
:help:LB And RED



Just curious...wouldn't it be easier to swap all the removable body panels/parts, interior and wheels?
Store the parts and replace as time allows?

. Ya!
I thought NO ONE was going to try.

K so that's what I was originally doing. However my 96 leans to one side. My door (paseng pops) when I open it. (I got too excited and forgot about the cylindrical planter CONCRETE! I got him for 1100 he's been beat to heck. LONG STORY SHORT, I LUCKILY got Red as a parts truck.

From doing a picture... Never mind she was free.

I switched the seats was pulling her wires out interior wise( All to save for LB) anyway my daughter says,
"Can't we just take LBs Soul out put him in RED since RED is dead?"

Hugh. Sooo ok then game changer.

So LBs Tranny just blew, the last big snow storm up here. Like I said he leans no real shocks I've replace the sway bar links 2wice. It's clear he's dieing. However There is RED. Shiney, no dents, nice shocks. The hatch back stays up back. windshield wiper, (not a hole with a Walmart bag shoved in it covered by pink duct tape like LB) all she needs is a trany and engine which LBs is great (he needs a tune up:confused:;)) but he's young at heart.

Then my lovely landlord post.

Not to mention we (my 2 kids n I) planned on driving down to the lower 48 away from ****ty AK in October.

Now my one legged buddy is trying to get me to look at Explorers on Craigslist for $250 an 300 $ bucks.

taking him up to a buddies now cuz 8 don't need the distraction.

I'll keep you updated if you want b nice to have SOMEONE willing to entertain the idea with me.

To put the 96 drivetrain into the 99 truck is not just a simple engine and trans change over

You have to swap the fuel lines and the fuel tank too (99 has one fuel line, 96 has two)
You have to swap the pedal assemblies to go from 99 auto to 96 clutch
You have to swap the entire wiring harness, not just the drivetrain harness but the under hood power wiring as well because the 99 also uses a different power distribution box and components
The 99 uses a different instrument cluster (digital signals) and some of the wires moved locations, so you have to swap those and change the wiring around

That is just off the top of my head without being there, this is a major project, It would be easier to swap the 99 body onto the 96 frame and use the 99 springs to fix the lean

You must be in a larger city up there, good luck with whatever you decide
If you are crazy enough to attempt this then EF would be crazy enough to help, but we also offer sane advice :)

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Provided these are both OHV (if the 99 is a SOHC, throw in the towel, it's not going to work in your time frame and the modifications can be extensive), the bare minimum you need to do:


- fuel rails
- fuel injectors

- exhaust manifolds
- engine wiring harnesses (engine bay harness isn't necessary)
- pedal assemblies
- EGR valves
- intakes with all attached sensors
- transmission hump cover/ add boot
- clutch master cylinder
- transmission mounts


-new intake gaskets
-exhaust manifold gaskets

There is only 1 wiring connection needed for the transmission which is the reverse light switch. That's going to have to be spliced in.
Clutch position switch needs to be wired in. (can do without it, but that means you can start the vehicle with it in gear!!!)
Don't need to hook up the transfer case speed sensor (98 and up read from the ABS sensor in the rear axle)
Oh and the computer is going to throw transmission codes like a mad man.

This is provided you don't snap a bolt or run into any other complications, even with lots of help it's a big project and not something that can't be done in a couple of days. All-nighters can lead to costly mistakes. (speaking from experience here)

Swapping OHV is apples to apples, it's not really that bad. You could take a 91 OHV add a camshaft position sensor change the lower intake and do the above swaps to the engine and throw it in a 01.
