Engine rattles | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Engine rattles


Well-Known Member
April 9, 2000
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City, State
Mirabel, Quebec, Canada
Year, Model & Trim Level
94' XL 4x4
My 94 had couple of engine problemes, fuel presure regulator, MAF that I need to clean regularly, codes about TPS sensor and something about EGR sensor sonic voltage too low or not in range (not gone yet did not find probleme). Now it started rattling at about 1500 rpm, I can sense it in the fisrt 3 gears (4th and 5th I did not noticed it). When I go steady it does the problem, if accellerate it does not do. I thought about the plug wires (about 110,000 km and not changed) or the plugs (were verified and regaped 5,000 km ago). Help me for all these probleme, I would like to have a normal motor so can start to put more power in it.

94 XL 4.0 5 speed 4x4

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Check the TPS sensor for sticking. I was getting codes about high and low voltage but after replacing the TPS it went away. As for the rattling i have a rattling noise in my fuel injector when im going up hills or really pushing the engine. No clue what it is but its been doing it from the day i bought it.

Where is your rattling coming from? Like more detail than just the engine.

Joel McAllister Dead Link Removed

92 XLT Ford Explorer 4 Door, V6 4.0 2WD Pushrod

[This message has been edited by napnetdot (edited 04-19-2000).]

Sorry about the word "rattle"(I am french and somtimes do not use the good words), I did not mean engine noise, but rather that the engine feels like if I was on a gravel road, but I am running on a good asphalt road.Maybe the good word would be "hopping", correct me if it's not a good explanation.

94 XL 4.0 5 speed 4x4

How about your wheels. Are they aligned? Another thing you should really check is your Engine motor mounts. Having broken motor mounts can cause other things to break from exessive shaking. Any mechanic should help with that.

I used to work as a Volvo tech, and we had a car come in with the same problem. After a little checking, we found out that it was a u-joint. You might want to check them out.


Finaly I found the words, engine is 'missing'. As for the other reply, thanks to all, I think I will change wires because they dont cost to much and have never been changed. as for the U-joint the front end was done last year and I use 4x4 almost only at winter.

94 XL 4.0 5 speed 4x4
