Everything you wanted to know about: "Memory Seats" | Page 4 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Everything you wanted to know about: "Memory Seats"

Find a wiring diagram for a Limited model that would come with that option, and from that locate the memory seat module. You would have to get the module, and the seat motors from a memory seat. Those are the most unique parts that you must have. The switch is not hard to buy or deal with, but the rest of the wiring is ideally taken from an existing vehicle with the option.

The number or wires should be similar, though models that also had memory mirrors would also have a bunch for those also. If the mirrors were part of the feature they may be no big deal to leave out, but the extra wires to add them would be trouble considering they all go through the dash. I'd avoid the mirrors if they happen to be part of the memory system.
I also have a similar question. I have a 2020 XLT with no memory seats but which has all the electrical parts for seats, heat, and mirrors I have the button and can get the power module and tracks at paps so with your instructions can I make my vehicle into memory?? Thanks

I don't know anything about the newer models, the first models Ford put memory seats into were all stand alone systems. The memory seat feature began with several parts which worked together, and the only real connections that had to be made were power, ground, and a neutral safety switch circuit wire.

If the new models like yours still use a separate memory seat module, then it is likely possible to retrofit that into your truck. First find out where the memory seat circuits are, the older models all had that under the seats themselves. New cars may have that built into the GEM or body module etc, which may be much harder to change or add.
