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Solved Everything you wanted to know about PATS.

Prefix for threads that contain problems that have been resolved, and there is an answer within the thread.
Great info.

Now I should be getting another key....

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Great info.

Now I should be getting another key....

Yes info here is great. I recall before the internet one had to go down to a techinical library if one wanted to know something. Mechanics those days would never share knowledge. Wonderful World, Wonderful Feeling:cool:

Engine does not start: LED flashes rapidly Leave ignition on until the LED starts to flash a 2 digit code: (sequence- pause-sequence)
Check the following codes:
Code flashes:
1:3 Key code not received. Is key screened by other keys or objects? Try different key: if okay then first key is faulty. If not go to main dealer
1:4 Partial code only received. Try again. If not okay use different key. If not go to main dealer
1:5 Key not programmed into PATS. Program key as above using master
1:6 Faulty link between PATS module and EECV Go to dealer .

Just a little more detailed post on the codes is here:

just an FYI

In houston, tx ford dealers charge $30 for a key and $100 to program the key.

I am going to try and see what a locksmith will program the key for on monday

I find this is such a ripoff

A locksmith can also delete the pats module and set a new master key probably for less than Ford.

no start

My 00 x will not start last scan came with a pats problem forgot code no., but fuel does energize and have spark also sounds like it wants to start but will not, theft lightdoes all normal blink every other 2 sec, when key is at start theft light goes off, can it be a pats problem or what?

My 00 x will not start last scan came with a pats problem forgot code no., but fuel does energize and have spark also sounds like it wants to start but will not, theft lightdoes all normal blink every other 2 sec, when key is at start theft light goes off, can it be a pats problem or what?

I don't believe it is a PATS problem. For PATS problems the theft light blinks rapidly (like 4x a second) and never goes off.

I think it would be better to start a new thread for this issue...

PPPPPPPPPPlease help

i am gettig the the 1 6 theft flash code fauly link how can i trace this plus the dinger will not stop dinging

this all started with me removing my dash

everything is pointing at the PATS

my theft lights is blinking real fast
tripping the relay ir runs about 4 or 5 seconds then shuts off

i have put the dash bac in so maybe if i reset it

how do i reset it

That sounds like a wiring connection that was missed when doing the dash, or a damaged wire. Look over the wires carefully, especially those around the column and key cylinder.

Is there a way to recover the factory keyless entry keypad code? I would like to be able to do it over OBD-II, if possible. It's an '01 SOHC Sport.

It's permanently on a sticker on the module itself. I'm not sure where it is on that later Sport, 95+ has it in the LR quarter panel, jack area. Below is my 99 truck without the interior panel in it.


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I've heard that. I tried to find it once, but I gave up after a long while of looking. I think that the sticker was on the far side on the module. :(

I guess I'll look again.

Forgive me if someone has pointed this out. I have been trying to read through all of the forums related to PATS. I have a 2004 Exploder and have been having intermittent problems with it starting. I'm pretty sure it has something to do with PATS.

When I turn the key to start, I get a click sound and the fuel pump primes. The Red Indicator light on top of the dash (center of the dash up by the windshield) rapidly flashes. This results in a no-start.

I have tried troubleshooting everything from the starter, to the gear shift cable down by the tranny, to cleaning the battery posts/cables. This all started last fall when I put a new battery in it.

What is interesting, is that I can get it to start if I continually try turning the ignition key back and forth while turning the steering wheel from side to side. I keep doing this until it finally starts. Around Christmas, this was going on consistently for about two weeks and then everything was A-OK. No problems with starting at all.... until yesterday it has started doing it again.

I assume that I may have a short in the steering column or something wrong with the PATS. Any ideas?

Watch the "THEFT" light, which should be the PATS indicator light. The light should not flash when the engine starts, and will flash before it doesn't.

Try a different key, sometimes the error can be the reading of the code from the keys.

Theft Light

The only thing that flashes on my 2004 Explorer is the red light that sits on top of the dash and is in the center of dash.

When I attempt to start it, this light starts flashing repeatedly when it will not start. If I leave the key in and in the on position, it goes to a steady red after about 30 seconds.

Strange thing is that in order for me to successfully start the vehicle, when this happens, is to turn the wheel left and right and cycle the ignition switch repeatedly.

If it starts and I shut it off, I am able to start it again with no problems. However, if I let the vehicle sit shutoff for some time, it will most likely not start again. Thus, I have the flashing red light on top of the dash.

By the way, it does it for both keys...

You need to find out what that light is, it doesn't sound OEM.

Here is a picture of the Indicator Light

The black looking bump in the middle of the screen is what flashes red when the vehicle is shutoff. It flashes off and on in a normal condition. When I can't start the vehicle, this thing rapidly flashes red.

Sorry, I couldn't get my camera to take the picture in sync when it flashes. This is OEM as it is referred to in the owners manual. Could it be that my 2004 has a different setup than what you are talking about in this forum?


That does sound like the PATS system indicator light. Ford likely moved it up there as a better deterrent. It should be mentioned in the owners manual. I'd consult with the manual for the model, to confirm it does work the same way. If that's the same light, I'd assume the signal being read from the keys is intermittently not transferring. That's what my 98 did for a while. Other than the keys, I think the key cylinder is the place to look. The receiver is there close by, I'd try to find a used one to swap in. I was about to do that when mine quit doing it about 40k miles back.

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ok, so im new to the explorer and fords in general. Late 90's and early 2000's toyotas you only need one master key and a long sequence of opening, closing the drivers door and locking and unlocking doors to program a new key to the vehicle. lol Or the factory scantooll, much easier! Anyhow, i worked on yotas for about 5yrs and im just learning fords now. Not to confuse anybody out there.

My question is, can i do an intial program w/o taking my 98 explorer 4.0L SOHC to the dealer?? I got the truck cheap bc it wasnt running. Found that the PCM wasnt giving power to the CMP sensor. I replaced the PCM with a used one and do not have a key from that PCM. Do have to take the truck to the dealer or do i have other options that i can do at home??? Thank you very much, any help would be nice!
