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Exhaust performance


Explorer Addict
September 1, 2008
Reaction score
City, State
Philadelphia Airport, PA
Year, Model & Trim Level
2005 V6 Silver XLT
whats up boys...

i filed my taxes today, and i did pretty damn good this year !!

i have stock exhaust piping with a FLOWMASTER MUFFLER... would i notice any bit of a performance gain if i made my piping larger ????

here what im thinking about... a custom cat back...

MAGNAFLOW HI-FLOW CAT with 2.5'' PIPING and my already installed FLOWMASTER MUFFLER

======[ hi flow cat ]=======( flowmaster 40 series )=======( tip )

im curious to know if the aftermarket CAT and larger piping would make a difference in horsepower ??????

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You will definately benefit from 2 1/2" pipe, however, don't bother with an aftermarket cat.

Good luck ...

what is the benefit ?????

louder exhaust ?

HP gain ?

MPG gain ?

i just want to find out what im gaining if im goin to spend the 200$

thanks for your advice on the CAT ALDIVE

the high flow cat would make it sound a lil louder and you may see a slight mpg gain but you wont see any performance gains out of it. now larger piping will help a bit. You may lose a bit of low end torque tho since its just a V6 you will lose a bit of back pressure but you will definately gain mid-high end torque and it will sound alot better than just slapping an aftermarket muffler to your stock piping. But with 2 1/2 it shuldnt be too bad.

so the gains would be...

sound and having a lil more pull in the upper RPM's

ok i can live with that...

anyone else have any commens to add ???

I doubt any performance gains going with 2 1/2" pipe, it does sound a lot better though.

it would sound a bit deeper with a lil more drone to it and a bit more rumble at idle. And yes as far as performance goes you would get up on the highway a lil bit quicker.

well... i have the final plan for my exhaust. KEEPING my current FM 40 series

im having the last CAT removed... then running 2.5'' piping, but instead of running the piping over the rear axle... im goin to go under the axle for better exhaust flow...

i wasnt thrilled about the idea of going under the axle, but lucky for me on the next lift over just happened to be a 2005 MOUNTY... ( so lucky lol ) and the guy had just finished the exhaust before i came in the shop... the exhaust looks like it should be there from the factory... it looks really good !!! nice and tight, and theres no loss in ground clearence either !!! so the day i get my taxes O YEAH !!!!!!!

since i got single in and dual out u guys are saying if u put a high flow cat it will make the x a lot deeper or just lil bit. My friend mike told me that i can gut my cats and it will make my x a lot louder as well. I still got my stock 4 cats on my sport.


i only saw 3 cats on my X... 1 on each side of my Y-PIPE and 1 more about 12''s behind the end of the Y-PIPE... the 3rd is the one im removing... but idk if the exhaust set up is drastically different from your sport to my 3rd gen ????

Sam from what i was explained... since im removing my 3rd CAT and running 2.5'' pipe all the way out... i will get increased flow ( CLEARLY ) and by removing the cat will make a significant sound difference...

and everyone knows you love exhaust lol... once i get the project complete, most certainly there will be a youtube comparison of my muffler now, then the whole completed exhaust

I removed my third cat and ran 2.5" exhaust all the way out the back with a 70 series FM, same as the stock location. (When you cut the third cat off, the exhaust is like 3" there!) I actually noticed more power throughout, but mostly mid-top. I have the V8. You could run 2.5" all the way over the axle and then attach a 3" tip to with help with deepness? We need a sticky for exhaust sounds that some of us have posted up. Goodluck and post up a new clip when you make one.

i was goin to go over the axle, but its such a hassel... the shop that is doin my exhaust ( MIGHTY MUFFLER - Aston Pa )... the guy who is taking care of me is goin under the axle... better flow for the exhaust and alot less time consuming... plus he showed me a mounty he had just done, and the way he set the pipe up doesnt lower my ground clearence - which is awsome !!!!

you said you felt a difference after your exhaust was done... is it a very noticable change ?????

also, am i mainly just getting better sound, and better torque in the upper RPM's or if i actually dyno'd my X would i notice any HP gains ???

im just curious considering my plan has changed a lil bit since the first post... thanks for your IMPUT BTW !!!
