Explorer Automatic to manual Whats needed? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Explorer Automatic to manual Whats needed?


Elite Explorer
January 11, 2020
Reaction score
City, State
Lawrence, Kansas
Year, Model & Trim Level
2001 Explorer Sport 4x4
I have a 2001 (Manufactured 9/1/2000) Ford Explorer Sport 2 Door with 4 wheel drive, 4.0 L SOHC V6, and a 5 speed automatic transmission, at 250,000 miles. I really want to convert to a 5 speed manual but I don't really know everything i'll need to do it. Any help on coming up with a list would be appreciated.

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You need an M5OD-R1 4 wheel drive transmission 91-03 will work, but the preferred version is the HD out of the '99-'03 Explorer and Explorer Sports (not the 02 4 doors though). You will want the computer from an '99 or '01 manual to get rid of the CEL's from the missing auto transmission sensors. You can run a manual 96-01 OHV PCM with a SOHC, however there is some modifications needed on the injectors, among other things. Talk to @NICE59FORDF100 if you go that route. Then you will need the pedal assembly (clutch and brake), master cylinder and line, wire in the Clutch Pedal Position Sensor and reverse signal sensor, install the flywheel, clutch, slave cylinder, and the starter, need the separator plate for a manual that goes between the engine and the transmission.

What you need is (These are just the big items):
  • SOHC manual 01 PCM (96-00 OHV Manual PCM will work, but more modification is required)
  • 4.0 91-03 M5OD (01-03 M5OD-R1HD preferred)
  • Shifter with boot
  • Clutch/brake pedal assembly
  • Wire in clutch position sensor/reverse sensor
  • Manual separator plate
  • Manual starter
  • Clutch master cylinder
  • Slave cylinder
  • Clutch
  • Flywheel
  • Manual starter

Thanks, that is a really good answer and list. Looks like I got some work to do.

What about transfer case and driveshafts?

You will retain the same t-case and driveshafts. Same length.Just make sure you get a 4wd transmission.

I just went the opposite direction. '91 ohv manual 4wd to '00 SOHC Auto 4wd. Using the same driveshafts but changed from a Auto t-case to manual.

SOHC with a 5 speed sure is fun to drive!!!!
If you swap to a 5 speed computer 99-01 you will have to tune it for the pats key or get all of the pats parts from the 5 speed donor...........

There never was a 5 speed manual sohc till 2001. Even then they were only in the rangers, Explorer sports and sport tracs.

You need to figure out if your job 1 or job 2 in your sport. I've got about everything except the 4x4 transmission to do the swap in the f/s section.

Damn, didn't see that he had a Sport... that makes things more interesting.

(Years corrected in previous post)

SOHC with a 5 speed sure is fun to drive!!!!
If you swap to a 5 speed computer 99-01 you will have to tune it for the pats key or get all of the pats parts from the 5 speed donor...........
If you use an 02-03 Sport or 02-05 Sport Trac computer the PATS system is built into the computer and is not external. You will need the complete PATS system, they are all locked together, from whatever 98-up PATS equipped vehicle, including two keys (Having only one won't allow you to program a second which will require an expensive trip to the dealer.)

If you want to use an OHV manual computer use the one from 96-97; they do not have PATS.

Is there a way to retain the old ecm and have a tuning shop change the computer settings.

Too be honest where i live in Kansas I've never seen another explorer with an manual transmission and I haven't found any in junkyards, to take parts from. I think the cheaper route would to leave mine as an auto and just by a second one with a manual transmission. My plan was to throw a super charger on it for a funner weekend car, and have another daily driver. If i keep my current explorer an automatic I'll probably personally rebuild it due to old bands and the old shift flare, but at 252k its expected. Thanks for all the comments.
