Explorer EV Coming | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Explorer EV Coming


Elite Explorer
Moderator Emeritus
December 28, 2010
Reaction score
City, State
Russell, Ontario (Ottawa area)
Year, Model & Trim Level
2023 Aviator Reserve 201A

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This is how I picture their plants.


We need to take bets as to whether or not they will botch the rollout. :eek:

Love or hate EVs, they do NOT help the environment.
Environmentalism is very profitable. Batteries will replace gas and then someone will claim batteries are bad for the environment and something else will replace the batteries, etc.

Environmentalism is very profitable. Batteries will replace gas and then someone will claim batteries are bad for the environment and something else will replace the batteries, etc.
F..... Ion drive man
And then finally our hovercraft

F..... Ion drive man
And then finally our hovercraft
Steam engine - but it would make roads ice up! Or maybe hydrogen...

Love or hate EVs, they do NOT help the environment.
You are right. The amount of mining required for the copper, lithium and other precious metals is resulting in environmentalists complaining also.

We need to take bets as to whether or not they will botch the rollout. :eek:
They always have, lets hope history does not repeat. Ford needs a successful roll out, especially in that market.

Saw one of the electric Mustangs today. Meh.

Saw one of the electric Mustangs today. Meh.
I've seen a couple. They look good for what they are but in my opinion should NOT be called Mustangs. If they we're called something else people would say they look great. Its just not a Mustang.

Give it a few years a new generation of us gear heads
And the e cars will be very fast

There is still hope for my son he likes superchargers and dual fans

I call a turbo a fan because it drives him nuts

You are right. The amount of mining required for the copper, lithium and other precious metals is resulting in environmentalists complaining also.
Yep, e-vehicles are about to cause a world of problems. The electrical grid is set up for current capacity, and the government is already starting to require electric appliances in new developments vs natural gas. When people start plugging e-cars in at home, someone's going to have to pay for new power plants, new transmission lines, and upgrading all residential neighborhood wiring. I'm "all in" for e-cars, they remove exhaust soot from the environment, but the infrastructure changes are daunting.

Yep, e-vehicles are about to cause a world of problems. The electrical grid is set up for current capacity, and the government is already starting to require electric appliances in new developments vs natural gas. When people start plugging e-cars in at home, someone's going to have to pay for new power plants, new transmission lines, and upgrading all residential neighborhood wiring. I'm "all in" for e-cars, they remove exhaust soot from the environment, but the infrastructure changes are daunting.
The soot doesn't come out of the tailpipe, but the smokestacks of the electric power plants. In other words, not in MY backyard, but the same amount or more, in some poor folks' neighborhoods.

Electric vehicles don't require maintenance like tune ups, filter, and fluid changes. They don't have sensor issues but could still throw codes for power steering, brakes, air bags, inverter power issues, etc. Mechanics require special training to work with high voltage systems, and need different types of tools. They are cleaner to work on since you don't have oil leaks & rusted exhaust systems. You don't have to worry about running out of gas but instead you have to find a place to recharge. Charging stations with high current superchargers are capable of providing a quick partial charge to get you going from one charging station to another in a short time. The technology keeps getting more advanced so we won't miss the internal combustion engine after it gets phased out. There are already many electric buses, delivery trucks, motorcycles, and cars in use.

Electric vehicles don't require maintenance like tune ups, filter, and fluid changes. They don't have sensor issues but could still throw codes for power steering, brakes, air bags, inverter power issues, etc. Mechanics require special training to work with high voltage systems, and need different types of tools. They are cleaner to work on since you don't have oil leaks & rusted exhaust systems. You don't have to worry about running out of gas but instead you have to find a place to recharge. Charging stations with high current superchargers are capable of providing a quick partial charge to get you going from one charging station to another in a short time. The technology keeps getting more advanced so we won't miss the internal combustion engine after it gets phased out. There are already many electric buses, delivery trucks, motorcycles, and cars in use.
You are very correct and I totally agree with converting the world to e-everything. But our electricity infrastructure needs to be completely overhauled before we expand our use of it exponentially. Keep in mind that the majority of our electricity is produced by coal and natural gas. Nuclear power is under 20% and being dismantled due to fear, hydroelectric power is being dismantled over environmental concerns, and "alternative" power is still under 10% and is not a continuous source of power. If we increase e-vehicle usage now, we're substantially increasing total greenhouse emissions.

Personally, I really do like electric vehicles and love a lot of the capabilities they bring. That said, I have a few major concerns that I plan on waiting a while to be resolved. In due time, I really feel like they will be much better for the environment than gas engines, and I like that, but for now, the current battery technology really isn’t much better for the environment and our power grids aren’t sourcing enough clean energy yet. Also, I’m terrified of the fact that when an electric vehicle catches on fire, it’s damn near impossible to put it out if the power cells ignite. It’s such a giant waste of firefighters’ time and energy and no one has provided a reasonable solution to the problem, as the cells simply reignite until they are fully drained. I look forward to better battery tech and cleaner power grids and I will 100% get into an electric vehicle. Until then, I really love what Ford has done with and continues to improve on with the ecoboost platform.

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Sorry boss
I ran out of power In my car
wait a hour ill be in when my car charges up
...joke of course ...
My buddy has a 2016 Prius. ..I just replaced some battery cells For him ...
Luckily they can be bought in single cells

It is slower than s......
Ill be a player when battery last 500 miles and actually have some torque the regular Joe can afford
