Explorer Forum License Plate Frames !!! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Explorer Forum License Plate Frames !!!


DIY stunt double
Staff member
Elite Explorer
June 16, 2003
Reaction score
City, State
Humboldt, KS
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 Mounty
If you can read this thread, then these are still available. I will delete when sold out.


2---12.00 shipped US
4---17.00 shipped US

Send me a private message for international shipping quotes. I need to know how many you need, and the shipping zone code please.

Also, be sure your correct address is in paypal, as this is the address I will use for shipping. I cannot be held liable if your ex wife smashes your mail.

Start a conversation with me for payment information please!

Thanks to Froader for the excellent graphics work.!!!


Frame proof.jpg

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Oh yeah, I'll be getting a few come payday.

I'll be ordering one too

are they powdercoated? can they be?:D hehe
I will be getting one of these maybe more depends..! They looks great!

$10 via paypal to the yahoo address. Count me in on one.

I'm game...... money sent


I am posting this To remember to buy one come Friday....

Money sent- that's awesome! :D

I'm def in for one right now and probably one down the road if there are any left. payment will be sent monday to make sure i have it.

I was wondering are there any Chrome ones, i like the flashy stuff, since i am stock makes my ex look good and I LOVE CHROME ITS SO SHINY

Ordering mine tomorrow. :thumbsup:

im in...sending money now...

I'm in for three, I have to wait till the 15th to paypal you though.

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