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Explorer rear axle?


Active Member
November 10, 2007
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City, State
Bono, AR
Year, Model & Trim Level
'03 Sport Trac
I have been told that the frond axle will work in my sport trac but can't find out for sure and just wondering if the rear axle will work with out any mods, same mounting spots and such. Thanks

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Changs gears. I can get the front axle for 285 which is cheaper than just an install. The rear I can get for 350. This way I could do it my self with maybe a little help from this cool dude named evan.

I was mainly wondering if the width was the same.

Maybe from disc to disc and spring perch to perch to make sure mounting points are the same.

Umm, Are you doing any thing friday? I will be coming to pocahontas to pick up my son for the weekend, if you don't have plans I could come up to corning and that way we could do it with em side beside?

Cool I will get with some time this week and figure out a good time. Talk to soon. Gotta go to work my self tonite.

Since you have an '03 model it should be the same. I'm pretty sure the brake lines are all the same. Possible the VSS sensor could be different. :dunno:

$285 for the front axle? That's kind of expensive. Does that include CV axles?
I've never paid over $125 for one before and that included shipping.

Just to note, the Sport Trac 01 and 02 year models had drum brakes in the rear. Then in 03 they started using the disc in the rear like the rest of the Explorers.

Got a link or phone # to the place you got it for 125? The 280 price was from ped5stang, the guy that is parting the explorers out.

Only local yard that had one wanted 250+exchange

and what is the vvs sensor?

Try kbabiak for a better price than Ped5Stang. For some reason Ped5Stang has gotten more expensive in the last couple of years.

It was in 2004 that I bought a front axle from Ped5Stang for $125. And a few months ago I bought another from kbabiak for $100. I had gotten a quote from Ped5Stang at the time I bought one from kbabiak and Ped5Stang quoted me $250. I said, no thanks. It almost seems like Ped5Stang doesn't standardize their prices.

The VSS sensor's main function is for the Anti-lock brake system. But, I believe in some years it is used for the speedometer read out.

Just got off the phone with a couple more yard and found one for 200 out right, they also said that the rear listed 03-05 sport trac only, but the front listed all sport 01-05 and 96-01 explorer. I guess its different. I will check with the other dude and see what he can do.

I am guessing you are trying to go with 4.10 gear ratio?

The 01 to 05 Sport Tracs are based off the 2nd Generation Explorers.

Front axle possible choices...
Any 4 door 4x4/AWD Explorer probably from 97 to 01.
Any 2 door 4x4 Explorer probably from 97 to 03.
Any 4x4 Sport Trac from 01 to 05.
Any 4x4 Ranger from 01 to Present. I'm unsure if the 98, 99, or 00 Rangers front axles are the same as the Explorers. 97 was the last year of the Twin Traction Beam(TTB) suspension on the Rangers.
*** Note - 2nd Gen Explorers started in 1995. But the front axles from 1995/1996 had a vacuum disconnect on the passenger side. And I think they eliminated that from the design in 1997.

Rear axles possible choices...
Any 4 door Explorer probably from 95 to 01. Of course if you want 4.10's I have a feeling they didn't start using them until maybe like 1998.
Any 2 door Explorer probably from 95 to 03. Ditto, on the 4door comment about 4.10's. Maybe 2doors never came with 4.10's. :dunno:
Any Sport Trac from 03 to 05. Because 01 and 02 models had drum brakes.

Disclaimer: I am no expert on all Explorer/Rangers and I don't know all the different options of all the years. So some of my information could be wrong.

My 2000 Explorer Limited has a 4.10 rear axle because I swapped it in from another wrecked 99 Explorer. I don't think you will find any v8(5.0L) 2nd Gen Explorer with 4.10's from the factory. Also I'm running in 2wd mode(front driveshaft removed) since I haven't changed out the front axle with 4.10 gears yet.

FYI, there is a member here trying to sell the front 4.10 diff now. I think that list above is correct, but the 96 Explorers still had the front axle disconnect, skip those. The parts books will list the 01+ Sport Tracs as different in front just because of the front brakes, which have nothing to do with the differential. Idiots write those books.

Shop around as much as possible, those prices that you quoted are horrible. I can get the front here for $100, and the rear I bought complete last year for $150. I have the rear now minus the axles, who needs it?

Yes wanting to go with 4:10's. I was going to go to 4:56 when I thought I already had 4:10 but I was wrong. kbabiak gave me a price of 100+shipping. A local yard told me the same info on the front axle as you did johnstone but they said on the front they list it as a 03-05 sport trac only. We will find out this weekend if it will work. CDW6212R do you have a # to the place you got the rear for 150?

It's Lambert's Auto here in Knoxville, but it's a pull it yourself yard. For me they took it out, that is they lifted the truck and cut it out. Shipping is your hardest part for non local places. For what you are getting for pricing you might have to pay to just swap gears, which is also not cheap.

It's Lambert's Auto here in Knoxville, but it's a pull it yourself yard. For me they took it out, that is they lifted the truck and cut it out. Shipping is your hardest part for non local places. For what you are getting for pricing you might have to pay to just swap gears, which is also not cheap.

Yea, maybe I should try to find a set of factory gears and just bite the bullet and pay the 225 for the install on the rear, But the front was going to cost 325 if I can get that axle for 125 that a hell of a deal.

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