explorer v8 awd , how good? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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explorer v8 awd , how good?


New Member
April 16, 2000
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i just bought a 98 explorer v8awd. does anyone know how well these do offroad? also can anyone give me some ideas on mods for this truck. ie what wheels will fit on the stock suspension. and engine mods. thanks.spoon787

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hey do the torsion bar lift and you could probably fit some thirty two eleven fifty's under there I fit them under mine , then you could probably get some 15x8 rims with the right offset, thats all the lift and tires you could get , unless you make a body lift fit

Ryan Jones
98 eddie baurer 4x4
2 inch lift
32x11.50 buckshots
manik brush gaurd and go rhino tail light gaurds
hella black majik driving light
Surco 45x60 safari rack
jbl door speakers and kicker fifteen

92 explorer with two inches of lift
30x9.50 mud kings


Hi spoon787,
Welcome to the site. Dead Link Removed
The only problem you have is no 4WLO, but if you put a locker in the back, and a Limited slip in the front, I would think you could do quite well. Bigger tires and throw a K&N filter in there. have you checked out how to do the "Torsion Bar Twist" yet? You can either go with the warrior shackles or a add-a leaf for the rear. These are all very easy modifications, and pretty cheap too. Hope this helps. Dead Link Removed

Happy Wheelin'
Ray L.
97 XLT 4X4 4.0L SOHC
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basic upgrades you can do to your Explorer:
1.)exhaust system
3.)K&N Filter Charger or KKM Induction Kit (the site did a product review about the KKM).
4.)Performance chip (ex: Superchips, Jet Performance Chip, etc...)

If you want more pulling power, then go for the supercharger. It costs a fortune though. I hope this helps.

Spoon 787,

Welcome to the site. The upgrade bug runs rampant here at 4x4central. I myself was recently infected. Yeah you'll see that the upgrades for Explorers are pretty much endless. Like n2kee stated..you can go from the smallest upgrade like K&N filter to a Supercharger. As far as what tires will fit I belive you're model runs 225/70R15's which is stock. You might want to check out Suspenison and Tire/Wheels message boards to learn more about upgraded tires and how to get them to fit. All in all a mass majority of "Do it yourselfers" roam around here and are very knowledgeable in all areas of upgrading intrests. Once again welcome to the site Dead Link Removed

James K
94 Eddie Bauer 4x4
K&N Drop In
Modified Air Box
Dynomax Super Turbo Cat-Back
Hypertech Module
"Kickin Up Dust"

Is it possible to swap in a transfer case from an F150 or some other truck which have low range?

Hey Mando,
The way I heard it was that Ford would have had to do quite a bit of modifying to make the V8 with a 4Lo. Appearently there isn't enough room to put a transfercase in with the V8 and the torque would be too much for the front end, or something like that. Dead Link Removed

Happy Wheelin'
Ray L.
97 XLT 4X4 4.0L SOHC
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Although there is no 4-Lo, Wouldn't putting the truck into 1st gear provide the lo- range that would be needed? I know it would not be exact to a transfer-case that has low range gears....
The other day when I was sitting in traffic, I put the selector into first and stepped on the gas. It felt like I was in a truck that was in 4-lo. Just my thoughts.

Norman B.
97 Mountaineer 5.0 V8 AWD
KKM Tru-Rev with Homemade Ram Air
Prestige Platinum 750a-APS alarm w/ remote start
Edelbrock Performer IAS Shocks
More to Come Before Summer :)

Hi Norman,
That's what you would have to do. You have 1st gear, but it's not as low as the 2.45 low gear in the transfercase. still with lockers/LS you could do quite afew places.

Happy Wheelin'
Ray L.
97 XLT 4X4 4.0L SOHC
Dead Link Removed

put really low gears in it and you wouldnt need a low range , you would just loose the gas mileage that you already have , witch I am guessing is not much , because V-8 and all wheal drive, by the way , what kind of gas mileage do you get my dad is looking at mountaineers and was wondering about the gas mileage

Ryan Jones
98 eddie baurer 4x4
2 inch lift
32x11.50 buckshots
manik brush gaurd and go rhino tail light gaurds
hella black majik driving light
Surco 45x60 safari rack
jbl door speakers and kicker fifteen

92 explorer with two inches of lift
30x9.50 mud kings

