ExplorerSport77's 1999 Sport "Hotness" December 2008 Feature Truck | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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ExplorerSport77's 1999 Sport "Hotness" December 2008 Feature Truck


Elite Explorer
Moderator Emeritus
October 20, 2004
Reaction score
City, State
Pulaski, TN
Year, Model & Trim Level
1991 Explorer/2002 F-250


Hey I'm Tara..i'm 25 and i live in PA..ever since the eXplorer came out i wanted one..plus since i groom show dogs and have a dog myself i wanted something with room..so when i turned 18 and had saved enough money i bought myself a green 1992 XLT...(u can see the green X on my cardomain site) the truck was clean had very low miles and i got it for under 6K...then after having it for 2 months a drunk driver in a 94 XLT hit and totaled my X outside my house while i was sleeping....so after 2 weeks not havin a truck...i went to the dealer and this was the first truck i saw and it was a must have...so after then having this truck for 2 months i was going home down a hill in the rain and dark and when i went around the turn there was a car stopped in the middle of the road and to avoid them i swerved and went down the hill doin 2 360's hitting the guard rail in the front and back of the truck...well after being in the shop for about a month i got her home and asked a friend of mine how she looked and she said very "Hotness"..thats how i got my truck and thats how she got her name...

-Billet Grill
-Saleen Wing
-Diamond Cut Headlights
-Diamond Cut Corners
-Sylvania Silver Stars
-Shaved Roof Racks
-Shaved Emblems
-Shaved Rear Wiper
-Shaved Rear Window release button 1/07
-Shaved Door Handles 5/08
-Black piece on rear hatch painted blue to match truck
-AXIS 20" Rims 7/08
-HandKook Ventus RH06 275/40/20
-Custom Antenna
-Tinted 30% front,20% middle, & 10% rear
-EE Airdam
-Completely New Paint Job 4/06
-Painted Brake Calipers to match the truck..
-Custom Roll Pan 1/07
-Custom Dual Exhaust 1/07

Under the Hood
-K&N FIPK2 Intake
-Brown Wire Mod
-Bosch platinum +4 plugs
-Painted Engine cover
-Optima Blue Top Battery 1/07

-New grey carpet 4/07
-Custom 2 toned Grey Leather Seats 4/07
-Reverse Glow White Faced Gauges
-White Faced AC Panel
-Painted black center pieces Blue to match truck
-Custom Dual 12in sub box w/ amp and cap tray 4/07
-Rear-end fully done with Dyna Mat 4/07

-Alpine Head Unit 7in touch screen dvd (Ivad310) 1/07
-Alpine 2 Way Speakers (sps570a)
-2 12in Alpine subs (sws1242d) 1/07
-Alpine Sub Amp (MRP-M650) 1/07
-Alpine multi channel amp (MRP-F450) 1/07
-1.5 fared digital capacitor 1/07
-16 gauge monster speaker wire 1/07
-2 gauge JBC power 1/07

-Toxic Drop Shocks

-Lowered 4 in'

-2005 Viper Alarm

Here is to a Awesome Street Explorer!

Congrats Tara!

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Congrats Tara!:bounce: Nice job on the X for some reason i got chills looking at this truck reminded me alot of another X around here.:cool:

Again Congrats

....Congrats on being picked for your awesome X...:biggthump

Nice Truck Tara.

That is one beautiful truck. Congrats!

That is a really cool looking Explorer.

Me thinks about taking a trip to Parkesburg or maybe just along Rt 10..

hey congrats! i love the street explorers and especially the two door explorers. i wouldn't mind driving that thing everyday :cool:

congrads on being the december featured truck tara

thats a sick looking truck! I have them same year and model of explorer but its bone stock right now... not for long ha. One question Where do you get those back bumpers?

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Congrats Tara!:bounce: Nice job on the X for some reason i got chills looking at this truck reminded me alot of another X around here.:cool:

Again Congrats
