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Extended upper control arms and uni balls

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i will at some point

they sell a 1 inch longer one on line

but for now im just worried about the upper control arms

the bottom will come and will have uniballs aswell

i guess im the first to have some one custom make these so it will be a lot of money but thats ok im willing to take that

so all i have to say is once i mount the kings in there with the new shock mount and get rid of the spacers it will be a dream come true.

i will at some point

they sell a 1 inch longer one on line

but for now im just worried about the upper control arms

the bottom will come and will have uniballs aswell

i guess im the first to have some one custom make these so it will be a lot of money but thats ok im willing to take that

so all i have to say is once i mount the kings in there with the new shock mount and get rid of the spacers it will be a dream come true.

Nice, Jason does killer work. How similar is the suspension between the 2nd and 3rd gen explorers??

like night and day

if any one wants these pm me so that i can set it up that we all get them done at the same time hopefully cost will be less and we can show that these ex's can be done up right

thanks every one who supports this web sight i would be in a ####ing ditch if i had not meet you guys

Yah Jason does do killer work and likes to tackle kits that are not on the market, I guess I should have got you in contact with him before today. The comany I use to work for would tackle this also but with the economy so bad we had to move outta our shop and are looking for a new place. I am confident Jason will do a great job though and cant wait to see the progress. And I live close to his shop so if he needs to take measurments off my truck let me know.


Please give me any info that you have that will help me out

Sorry to hear about you shop

I am going to school taking metal fab classes in hopes to one day have my own shop and be in the position that Jason is in to do extreme new custom ideas

Jason is a great guy and does nice work, he has a nice s10 kit out and was one of the first companys to offer a real long travel kit for that platform. His backround is in road racing and I believe he used to do a lot of stuff for nascar but he deff. knows his stuff when it comes to off-roading. You can see several of his builds on dezertrangers.com and dezertdimes.com

Well be using a 1.5 uniball

i will at some point

they sell a 1 inch longer one on line

but for now im just worried about the upper control arms

the bottom will come and will have uniballs aswell

i guess im the first to have some one custom make these so it will be a lot of money but thats ok im willing to take that

so all i have to say is once i mount the kings in there with the new shock mount and get rid of the spacers it will be a dream come true.

Hey sounds good, i am glad someone is tackling the issue... When my upper ball joints go, which i am sure they will i might be interested...

You know price yet?? Ball park??

Dont wait till they go mine went out on my and now i have to trailer it not safe if your ball joint go's then your dead meat

my buddies f150 the ball joint broke and his truck slid on the hub 20feet

and his tire rolled a block away not safe

My first set will be 800- 1200 but if we have more people doing it im sure the cost will be less

hands down worth it

Ouch that's pretty steep. Nothing wrong with ball joint, i've beaten the crap out of mine and they werent even that worn when i went to a long travel kit.

If youre not dead set on using jason i can get you them for much cheaper.

I spoke with jason and the price will be less

we will drop off my truck monday and leave it wil him for about 3 weeks to 4 weeks he will make the decision as to what style boxed arms or dom steel arms

then i will have the set price and he will be able to make these for evey one with 3rd gens.

Eather sell you the parts or if you bring your truck by hell put it on

also for the rear he will on monday take a look and tell us the best way to make 3 link or 4 link rear end

I spoke with jason and the price will be less

we will drop off my truck monday and leave it wil him for about 3 weeks to 4 weeks he will make the decision as to what style boxed arms or dom steel arms

then i will have the set price and he will be able to make these for evey one with 3rd gens.

Eather sell you the parts or if you bring your truck by hell put it on

also for the rear he will on monday take a look and tell us the best way to make 3 link or 4 link rear end

keep us posted with pictures too.... But at that price i might as well keep on replacing ball joints....lol...

I guess

but i will have more travel and way stronger then your ball joints will ever be think about it do you want you truck to look like it go's off road or to actual handle what you throw at it

to each is own

i dont want any thing halfass on my truck

i will be getting a set from jason unless carlover can beat the price jason puts it out for. im looking at the same setup as 86explorer86 but with fox shocks and about 5 inches lift for the front if jason brings good news with the rear. im gonna have my truck dropped off at a local fab. shop to have the rear C notched or atleast looked at to see if they are willing to do it

Jason will tell me monday about the rear end so i will let you know if he wil be able to help u out with that you are looking for wather it be 4 wheel independent or straight axel limited slip

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hahah if im doing a sas im locking the rear keep keeping me updated
