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External timing tensioners on the 4.0

Can’t believe how much money I’ve spent on this project so far :banghead:
This was taken from the 4.0 SOHC group on facebook this is a cloyes timing kit and it broke withing 3 miles of driving

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Also Melling performance is a great choice too
Looking at a mellings kit on Amazon right now, damn thing is $500. I’m going to check rock auto too. I feel like I could’ve bought a reman considering what I’ve spent thus far but then I struggle with that idea because I’ve heard about so many failures on the remans. I still feel I’m better off overhauling it myself because I can pick and choose the parts… as long as they’re the right parts.

Can’t believe how much money I’ve spent on this project so far :banghead:
From what i understand Melling is made by Borg Warner so that would be an excellent choice

Looking at a mellings kit on Amazon right now, damn thing is $500. I’m going to check rock auto too. I feel like I could’ve bought a reman considering what I’ve spent thus far but then I struggle with that idea because I’ve heard about so many failures on the remans. I still feel I’m better off overhauling it myself because I can pick and choose the parts… as long as they’re the right parts.
So the melling kit is 408 on rockauto and with the discount code below it will be 388


So the melling kit is 408 on rockauto and with the discount code below it will be 388

Ordered! Thank you for the discount code as well, at least with PayPal credit I’ve got 6 mo interest free to pay it off. I’m feeling good about the parts I’m putting into the engine now.

Ordered! Thank you for the discount code as well, at least with PayPal credit I’ve got 6 mo interest free to pay it off. I’m feeling good about the parts I’m putting into the engine now.
No problem bro and yeah these parts should last a very long time sorry ya had to find out this way but at least you don't have to pull the engine twice

Ordered! Thank you for the discount code as well, at least with PayPal credit I’ve got 6 mo interest free to pay it off. I’m feeling good about the parts I’m putting into the engine now.
Also, if you need any help with this engine or timing let me or @Fix4Dirt know because we have both replaced these parts and I have rebuilt a 02 SOHC

Yep see older post on here say 75k miles but now ya got me wondering bro
yep the older tensioners seem to be good for replacing every 75k, but some of the newer ones the spring seems to be weaker, so if theyre weaker may be better to keep old ones? dont know, but now its on the list of stuff to test... now a JY trip!!!! maybe will collect a few OE samples (since mine has long since been thrown in the bin)

This was taken from the 4.0 SOHC group on facebook this is a cloyes timing kit and it broke withing 3 miles of drivingView attachment 436424
interesting usually the one that breaks is the tensioner on the left not the guide on the right. looks like it did not fail in the usual way in that the leafs seem to have slid out so the tensioner cannot provide tension, and that the guide as well collapsed. thats really odd. usually it fails in that the plastic part it rides on cracks due to chain slap and then due to that the supporting leaves will fall out as well.

@Lee's Automotive @Fix4Dirt
Totally unrelated question but I bought a mellings high volume oil pump to replace the original pump. It says when you buy the pump to also buy the mellings oil pick up tube but I have read elsewhere that this tube is the same as the stock pickup tube, do either of you guys know if this is true?

yep the older tensioners seem to be good for replacing every 75k, but some of the newer ones the spring seems to be weaker, so if theyre weaker may be better to keep old ones? dont know, but now its on the list of stuff to test... now a JY trip!!!! maybe will collect a few OE samples (since mine has long since been thrown in the bin)
Nice bro and yeah def let me know

interesting usually the one that breaks is the tensioner on the left not the guide on the right. looks like it did not fail in the usual way in that the leafs seem to have slid out so the tensioner cannot provide tension, and that the guide as well collapsed. thats really odd. usually it fails in that the plastic part it rides on cracks due to chain slap and then due to that the supporting leaves will fall out as well.
Yep def weird bro

@Lee's Automotive @Fix4Dirt
Totally unrelated question but I bought a mellings high volume oil pump to replace the original pump. It says when you buy the pump to also buy the mellings oil pick up tube but I have read elsewhere that this tube is the same as the stock pickup tube, do either of you guys know if this is true?
there were a few different pickup tubes, iirc plastic and metal confirmed by @Lee's Automotive (mine is metal) so that may affect it.

@Lee's Automotive @Fix4Dirt
Totally unrelated question but I bought a mellings high volume oil pump to replace the original pump. It says when you buy the pump to also buy the mellings oil pick up tube but I have read elsewhere that this tube is the same as the stock pickup tube, do either of you guys know if this is true?
Honestly i wouldn't run a high volume pump at all since your not doing racing or high performance driving i would keep the OEM pump if there is nothing wrong with it

Yep def weird bro
my tensioner failed due to chain slap (didnt have sufficient oil pressure, and had to blip the throttle since it was stalling after startup) and then ting ting ting keys jingling so it cracked the nylon so it went into 3 pieces and the metal backing leaves dropped into the upper pan

my tensioner failed due to chain slap (didnt have sufficient oil pressure, and had to blip the throttle since it was stalling after startup) and then ting ting ting keys jingling so it cracked the nylon so it went into 3 pieces and the metal backing leaves dropped into the upper pan
Yep i have that ting ting ting noise n mine constantly so i know that its gone

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Honestly i wouldn't run a high volume pump at all since your not doing racing or high performance driving i would keep the OEM pump if there is nothing wrong with it
agreed. do keep in mind the HV pump will not help the tensioners in that iirc oil will not reach the top faster, as it reaches quite quickly. its a myth that it will run the pan dry in nearly every circumstance, but it will increase pressure too, so that could have effects as well. all depends on what you are doing with it.
