External timing tensioners on the 4.0 | Page 5 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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External timing tensioners on the 4.0

Well I honestly think it's the front one making noise on Start up even if I prelub it's still a grump on cold days
well if its the front it can be done in. both hydraulic tensioners, which cause startup rattle usually, are done engine in as well.

well if its the front it can be done in. both hydraulic tensioners, which cause startup rattle usually, are done engine in as well.
Eh I've tried to get that back one with a breaker bar and a really long extension with 27mm deep and I haven't been able to get it lose.

Eh I've tried to get that back one with a breaker bar and a really long extension with 27mm deep and I haven't been able to get it lose.
really? hmm interesting wasnt a problem on this one. even the one under the stat housing too?

really? hmm interesting wasnt a problem on this one. even the one under the stat housing too?
Haven't tried on the one underneath the stat housing cause I then started having trannie issues.
