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f150 coil seats


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January 2, 2006
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Houston TX
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'93 Eddie
What year f150 should I get the coil seats from to level my explorer?

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Early 90's 2wd. I found them by searching and it took less than 30 seconds...

F-150 coil seat part numbers:

F2TZ5A307A Ford Coil Spring spacer
F2TZ5A307B Ford Coil Spring spacer

Welcome to the site. :cool:

whats the difference between A and B? at the end of the part number?

whats the difference between A and B? at the end of the part number?

One is left one is right. But it doesn't matter which is which when you install them on the X.

I know this is a stupid question, but it will lift the front 2 inches right? And I can just pick them up from the dealership?

The lift is closer to 1 3/4". You will have to order them from the dealership. It is not a common item so they typically don't stock them.

any idea how much they are gonna cost?

damn thats way cheaper then the daystar leveling kit

Front End alignment after install??

yes you'll need an alignment, maybe even replace the camber bushings/shims ..and yeah just get it thru the dealer unless you wunan rip em outta a truckin the junkyard (their cheap enough tonot worry about it) but im realy posting to make sure you do not purchase the daystar levelign kit..im not bashign them, they make decent products and eveything..but in this case the alternative is a hell of a lot better..get the coil seats..and yeah its gunne be 1.75 in of lift..not 2.0in ..
o and yeah the seats fit on either side of the ttb liek was said, but i actually heard the the right side one fits better ont he left of the explorer and vice versa.. jus a lil tidbit

Are you combining this with a Shackle lift or add a leaf in the rear?

I am just want to level it right now and then maybe do a small body lift later. After the leveling kit and tires I am gonna start looking for a deal on getting an entire color change for the paint.
