F250 clutch master cyl pushrod- need help! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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F250 clutch master cyl pushrod- need help!


Elite Ranger
Staff member
Elite Explorer
July 14, 1999
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City, State
Omao, Kaua’i
Year, Model & Trim Level
'93 Ranger XLT 4X4
So on my 1990 F250, the clutch pedal connects to the master cylinder via a ~5" pushrod. Well, mine snapped in half today. :rolleyes: My question is, how does the pushrod detach from the MC? Does it just pull straight out? I'm afraid to mess up the MC, if that's not how it comes out. I don't see any clip or setscrew, etc.

My plan is to just replace the pushrod, rather than the whole master cylinder, which would involve having to bleed the system.

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Yikes, as you may know if you have ever done the master cyl on a Ranger/Ex once the pushrod is pushed into the master cylinder it cannot ever come back out without destroying the master cylinder

Is the F-250 master cylinder plastic?

sleeve and weld?

It's metal. I bought a replacement MC from pepboys ($62.99) that is plastic, and comes with a new pushrod not installed. This pushrod has a 'ball' on the end that goes into the master. The 'socket' in the new master has three fingers, they look like what's in the slave hydraulic line disconnect. But I don't know if the old MC has this same setup. If so, I could pull out the broken piece, and click in the new one.

Man I dunno, good luck! The Explorer master cylinder its a one time deal, once you press it in there its not coming out without breaking the plastic internals.....been there done that!

So you are saying if you can release the 3 fingers it will come out?

the salve cyl quick disco is a crush collar type fitting, you depress the crush collar into the fitting then pull the line out like a chinese finger puzzle

I just looked closely at the original MC, it's the same as the new one: rod held in with three little fingers. There's no collar to slide in, like the slave line. I can push on one with a small flat screwdriver, but one won't relaese it. Maybe there is a special tool. I'm looking around the garage for a tube of just the right diameter to slide in there.

:fingers crossed:

Anyone else's knowledge appreciated! :)

Man I hope you can pull this off! I broke two newish master cylinders in my day because I had to take them out of the truck = metal rod must come out

Well, I got it going again.:cool: I went ahead and put in the new master, bled it :rolleyes: and have decent pedal feel. :thumbsup:
