Factory keyless entry question | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Factory keyless entry question

Joe Dirt

Explorer Addict
October 4, 2007
Reaction score
Year, Model & Trim Level
07 Camry
Should my parking lights flash when locking my truck with the remote? My dome lights come on when I unlock...

Just curious- the alarm works fine, just curious if they should or not.

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I don't have this option in my Ford but in the Toyota I have they do flash when I lock and unlock it. I feel as long as they go out, it's ok.
That's my 2cents worth.

If you press the lock button twice the horn will chirp and the headlights/parking lights will flash. That is the only way to get feedback from the stock keyless system.

Ok, when I do that, the horn chirps, but the lights do not flash... Oh well. :)


My lights only flash after dark.


No lights here...

Ok, when I do that, the horn chirps, but the lights do not flash... Oh well. :)


The horn is all I hear... but I just found out the vehicle had a factory alarm. While we are on the subject, I have an aftermarket alarm, but the horn doesn't sound when it goes off. Can the horn be attached to the aftermarket? It's a Viper alarm, pretty old too. I'd like to have the horn replace the siren...

The output going to the existing siren is probably controlled by a relay either inside of the alarm control module, or with an external relay. All that you might have to do is connect the siren wire to the horn. Both already have the other wire grounded.

Mil gracias!

(I will have that checked out :thumbsup:

I found this diagram online. I hope that it helps you out.

Excellent! Thank you...

Wait, can't the same diagram be used for JoeDirt to hook up the lights to flash?
