Factory oil filter very loose | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Factory oil filter very loose


Well-Known Member
March 30, 2017
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South Jersey
Year, Model & Trim Level
2017 Explorer XLT
I just did my first oil change at 4700 miles. I was shocked to find how loose the factory oil filter was. I was able to spin it right off by hand without a filter wrench, and no effort was needed to start it turning. Amazing it was not leaking.

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If you have to take any oil filter off with a wrench then it was installed too tight. Factory spec is only 3.6 ft lbs (44 inch lbs) + 180 degrees.

I don't think it was even that tight. It came off way to easy.

I have very seldom have had to use a wrench to take a oil filter off except for on my truck with a diesel and on that one I need a wrench to snug it up so that it doesn't leak.

Evidently it was tight enough to get you through to your oil change and unless you could just use a couple of fingers to loosen it I would say that it was OK.

If youb are talking a quick flick of the wrist got it spinning by itself then yes, too loose. But I always hand tighten and hand loosen.

That's unusual in my experience. Usually the factory filter is put on dry and tight and is a bear to remove, even with a wrench. The dealer will put it on tight but it can be removed with a wrench without too much effort. When I do it it's hand tight and I can remove it by hand with minimal effort and mine don't leak. With the 2.3 EB the oil filter is a breeze to get to, it's right up front with plenty of room to get to it.


No problem here. The dealer does the oil changes and the next one is free.:)


Just did my first oil change today. Was at 9K. Yea I was shocked how loose the filter was. Used to Subaru from the factory where they have Godzilla install it at the engine factory. Even when I hand tighten my Subi filter I still need a filter wrench to get it off. Like how easy it is to do a oil change. Just roll up on some 2x8 's and there is a good amount of room to work under there.

my cats breath smells like cat food


Just did my first oil change today. Was at 9K. Yea I was shocked how loose the filter was. Used to Subaru from the factory where they have Godzilla install it at the engine factory. Even when I hand tighten my Subi filter I still need a filter wrench to get it off. Like how easy it is to do a oil change. Just roll up on some 2x8 's and there is a good amount of room to work under there.
Isn't that way beyond a typical first change interval?

Isn't that way beyond a typical first change interval?

The book says to go until the oil minder tells you to change it.

The days of changing it at 3K or 5K are gone depending on the type of oil that you are using. But if it makes you feel warm and fuzzy then change it early by all means.

I ran mine until 8500 miles and still had 20% oil life left.

The book says to go until the oil minder tells you to change it.

The days of changing it at 3K or 5K are gone depending on the type of oil that you are using. But if it makes you feel warm and fuzzy then change it early by all means.

I ran mine until 8500 miles and still had 20% oil life left.
I’ve run 20k oil cycles. Just never would on a FIRST oil change.
