Favorite foods that are gone! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Favorite foods that are gone!


Elite Movie Star
Elite Explorer
September 1, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Lake View Terrace, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'91 Navajo '99 X '19 Rngr
Saw this idea somewhere else and thought it could be fun here.

Think of the things you had when you were young. It can be a food, drink, snack, fast food, anything eatable that doesn't exist ( that you know of) anymore. You mite find someone who know something similar that it is still around and you can still buy the product somewhere.

I'll start...

7-up Gold

Crystal Pepsi

Mc Donald's Cookies

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This is more fast food joints that are no longer here and more specifically in the SoCal area. First one is Pup n Taco, they served burgers, fries, tacos, burritos and slushies among their more popular items. They were eventually bought out by Taco Bell.

Next place I remember well is Naugles, founded by former Del Taco employee Dick Naugle. They ironically merged with Del Taco then changed the name of Naugles to Del Taco. They also served burgers and mexican food just like Pup n Taco so i'm sure they were fierce competitors.

...MMMM...I ate a ton of Naugles burrito's at 2:30 am back in the day..:D


Tidbit cheeze crackers by Nabisco. Kinda like Cheezits in finger form (and even sea creatures!) only better!

Tidbit cheeze crackers by Nabisco. Kinda like Cheezits in finger form (and even sea creatures!) only better!

My Dad loved them. He would always get mad at me for eating them up. :p:

Since BigRondo just posted, and I used to drink this alot as a kid...


Since BigRondo just posted, and I used to drink this alot as a kid...


I must update my running total of things named after me:

  • A car
  • A basketball player
  • A citrus soda

It's good to be me! :p:

Don't know if this is still around or not. I haven't seen it in ages. My grandmother got me hooked on it a long, long time ago.


I think TAB is available around me.

When I lived in CO, it was available for sure.

Tab pops up around here every few years

McDonalds french fries. They're definately not what they used to be...

The burgers i used to get at Hot Shoppes and the Mighty Mo fast food joints back in my American Graffiti days with the girls bringing my favorite, the Teen twist on roller skates to my 55 Chevy lol. I think these were only on the east coast.

Not from my childhood, but last year. I came across Jolly Rancher drinks then they just disappeared.

You guys are making me miss the 80s and 90s...

But speaking of food that is gone... Real food in supermarkets... Don't see as much of it anymore.

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ORIGINAL Shakey's Pizza. If younger than 40, you never had it. LOL

