Felix's 92 Explorer Early Bronco Edition | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Felix's 92 Explorer Early Bronco Edition

Figured I would put up a little info on my truck. If anyone has any questions feel free to ask and I will answer to the best of my ability.


1992 Explorer Eddie Bauer 4x4 4door
4.0L V-6
KKM cold air intake
A4LD trany for the time being.


1978 Ford Bronco Dana 44, narrowed 6" by Currie Ent.
4.56:1 gears open carrier for now (aussie locker on order)
Wild Horses 5.5" rock crawler springs
Rubicon Express RXT3210 14" travel shocks
Energy Suspentions bushing kit (7* c-wedges)
Stock early Bronco radius arms
Sky Jacker extended radius arm / transmission crossmember mount
Explorer Pro Comp extended brake lines
1978 Full size disc brakes


1992 Explorer 31spline 8.8
4.56:1 gears, Detroit c-locker
Super Lift Spring Over Axle kit (SOA)
Explorer Pro Comp extended brake line
Stock size Gabriel shocks (need replaced with Rubicon's)
M.O.R.E. 1" wheel spacer / adaptors, 5 on 4.5 to 5 on 5.5
Stock drum brakes with modified e-brake cables to allow flex

Other stuff:

Alpine head unit
Stock subwoofer system
Custom 2x2" .120 rock sliders with 1.5" .120 kick out rails
American Racing AR-767 wheels 15x8" 4"BS
35x12.50-15 Explorer Pro Comp X-Terrains
Cobra Classic 29LTD CB radio

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Well, I found the week spot in my set up two weekends ago heading to Big Bear. My front right tired fell into a 1.5 or 2 foot crack formed by all the rains washing out a section of trail between two rocks. Needless to say something broke. It just happed to be the track bar mount on the frame. It also bent the center link on my steering a little more than it already was and bent the bead on my rim.

Well when it broke the track bar mount it took me a minute to figure out what was wrong. One look out the door window while tring to trun shed light on the problem, the whole front right tire dissapeared inside the fender well.:( After a few hours of contemplating with some trial and error on a trail fix I limped it 12 miles to the cabin. Ratchet straps are my hero. I used two of them to keep the axle from shifting left and right under the truck and drove 5 mph to the cabin.

Saturday morning I found a guy that has a mobile welding buisness and he fixed it for $25 at the cabin for me. So I was able to drive home and get to work Monday.

Well Monday I called up www.Fly-n-Hi.com (aka FST fab) in Arizona and had them make me a custom trackbar bracket like the one on the black explorer they are putting Dana 60's under. That should be here in a few more days and I will strip the drivers side frame rail again to replace my cheapo track bar mount with the new one.

Sence I was upgrading my trackbar mount it seamed logical to go ahead and spend some more money. So, I called www.BCBroncos.com and ordered their Adjustable Trackbar w/Hiem jointed frame end for a more durable track bar. I also ordered a Caster/Camber adjustment set along with the ball joint spanner wrench to replace and adjust those new caster/camber shims with.

Well, all that is left would be the crossover steering and wheel. A quick call to www.summitracing.com and they had an American Racing AR-676 15x8 on its way. So, I called up www.Spidertrax.com and told them what I wanted and needed. I got some 1 1/4" .120 wall DOM to make a drag link out of and some 1 1/2" .250 wall DOM to make a center link out off. Along with all the inserts and Aurora Rod End Hiem joints to attach everything together.

With all that damage to the wallet I guess the new Aussie Locker and Blue Tourch Fabs Diff cover will have to wait a few paychecks. The good thing is I found the week point in my Solid Axle Swap. The bad thing is now I have to figure out what is going to be the next week spot. I just hope it does not let go on a mountin trail at 9pm when its snowing next time.

I will post up some pics of all my new parts when they come in and also when they get installed.

My track bar mount got here today. Well I dont have time to install it this week and I have many parts still in route. So, I will post a few pics of new parts as they arive then install them all at once. After everthing is installed I get a few more pics up of all that good trash.

Any way here you go.




Great write-up and sweeet rig! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Jeff - :navajo:

That track bar mount is awesome, I just might have to get me one :D

Yes, price please... I need a better bracket.

It was $150 and it is weld on. It is not exactly what I wanted but it will work much better than the one I have at the moment. If it does not rain tomorrow I will start taking my truck apart to install it. The rain has been so bad I couldnt get my truck to dry off enough to start working on it as of yet.
