Finally got my axles | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Finally got my axles

Super, I got my disc brake set from someone on this board. They pop up every once in a while. Otherwise pick and pull or buy a kit from the stealership.

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well i am making the radius arms and mounts but all i really have is a notcher and a welder. and everywhere i look, steel is:eek: price wise. i figure it will be cheaper to buy these little parts than buy steel and TRY to make them. I just ordered my 4.88 gears, front and rear, master set-up kits, a spool for the front and a lock-right for the rear. almost $900 shipped. not a bad deal. got it off of ebay and

I also bought a diff guard, $70 shipped

I am bidding on this one-

I think i will put the bar one in front and the plate one in the rear. it is 3/16" thick. ought to do.:cool:

Umm, I jsut noticed this. I dont think the first gaurd pictured is for a d44, not at all.

I got my d44 cover from Great Lakes Offroad, custom build to my specs. 1/4" CNC bent plate with 1/2" center section and 1/2 ring with drain and fill plugs. 130 shipped. :D 3/16" plate is nothin, thats like stock plate. I love it,a nd if I EVER break it I get a new one no questions asked.

hey sno....they make it for te d60?

No progress tonight. I have been trying to find my tires though. i found a great deal. 36x12.5x16.5 goodyear wrangler RTII. $449 set of 4 free shipping. the only prolem is that it requires a 16.5 x 9.75 rim. they do not make them in a 6 lug pattern, or 5 lug for that matter. only 8 lug. I also found some adapters to go from 6-8 that will work with my situation. for 4 tires, 4 rims, and the adapters, it would run about $1100 shipped to my door. Is that a good deal? I am not sure if the difference in the tire price would make up for the price of the adapters which is about $285. I originally wanted togo with 38's but i doubt that the axles will last with them after getting your input. If i go 36's, what tires have you had good experience with? i am looking for a good mud tire that wopuld be decent on the street too. i dont mind tire noise, it is music to my ears.

i'd hate to burst your bubble bought new RT2's shipped can be had for 100 less. Ebay my friend

EDIT: An please please don't use that rear d-44. For 100-150 bucks you can get a DRW 14 bolt that measures 63" wms-wms. THats 1.5 inches wider on each side than a 8.8, but an axle that is practically bomb proof. Disc brakes can be fitted really cheap and a detroit locker for an axle like the 14bolt is $320.

he's right, the d44 rear isnt worth it and you'll be hating yourself. If you do get the 14b, it would make things really easy for you. Find a fullsize chevy d44 and get the 8 lug stuff off of it to convert your jeep d44 to 8 lug and it will match the rear and you will be able to run the hummer rims and tires.

Honestly, after all is said and done you will spend more time and money getting 6 to 8 lug adapters and whatever else to get those 16.5's to work (which are known for blowing beads) then if you just got some 15" rim tires. Plus, if you blow one on the trail, spares for 8 lugs are harder to find as most people run 5 or 6.

So what can i find a 14bolt in? and the 8-lug outers for the front will work on my d44?

this is what you need to make the front d44 work

Swapping the Knuckles Out for high steer and 8 on 6.5" wheel bolt pattern: (8 bolts = 3/4 ton style) You've 3 options:

Option 1: Chevy parts: Grab a Chevy or Full Size Jeep Dana 44 knuckles and outer axle shaft. To convert these to 8 on 6.5" you'll need to find a 3/4 ton disk brakes Chevy truck (note some Chevy 1 tons ran a Dana 44 from 73-78). It can be running a Dana 44 (73-80) or a Chevy 10 Bolts (77-87) as these parts interchange! From the 3/4 ton truck you'll need the Spindle, Caliper mounting plate, Caliper, disk brake Rotor, Hub with lug nuts and lockout. Also grab the outer axle shaft, as all Chevy Dana 44's with the 5-297x style u-joint run the same outer shaft. Now you've the parts, make it work!! This option is harder to source parts.

Option 2: Run Ford 3/4 ton Knuckles Out, however you can only use Ford 3/4 ton brakes with Ford knuckles. This option will cost more, year for to source 3/4 ton Ford parts 76-79. Do note 76-77 is a larger hub and lock-out that is difficult to find. 77.5-79 runs the same lock-out as a 1/2 tons and is easier to find. See my Dana 44 article for more info between different types of Ford Dana 44 axles.

Option 3: Run Dodge or IHC 3/4 ton stuff. Here is how... Who am I kidding, I have no clue on Dodge stuff ;~) IHC see note in above.

Thats stolen from Mr. N's page

As for the 14b, its on almost any 3/4 to 1 ton chevy/gmc truck/van in history. Just look for a friggin big differential that has 14 bolts on it. They come in many different sizes, full floating or semi floating, ect.

heres more information on the 14b then you ever wanted to know.

<-- runs a converted D44 to Chevy 8-lug. But sn0border88 has the specifics correct .. although I used the original axle shaft from the Wagoneer D44 and it worked fine with the Chevy-8-lug parts, also used the originial spindle from the Wagoneer D44 and same thing, worked fine with the Chevy-8-lug parts. The hardest thing to find is the caliper mounting plate (aka caliper backing plate), but look either on PBB or IFSJA (International Full Size Jeep Association). Everything else (calipers, rotors, hub, etc..) can be bought from parts store.

i got a little progress.
I got my gears in the mail finally!!! took them almost 3 weeks.

I got all this in one big box.

i got my standard 4.88 gears front and rear

Master install kits front and rear

got my full spool for the rear

I also got my lock right in. that also took almost 3 weeks. bought it off of ebay and it said fast free shipping. wrong...
I got a tube notcher for my radius arms and any further projects. it is the JD squared TN-100. It will mount to a drill press or you can do what i did and put it in a vice and use a power drill. my air drill worked fine.


I had some spare time at work today and put it together and tried it out with some exhaust pipe. its awesome. will cut up to 50* and up to 2 inch tube.

turned out great!


Gave a perfect edge to weld. dont mind the table cloth, we are a few holidays behind around here. I ended up paying $510 for my gears, install kits, and spool shipped. $265 (free shipping) for the lock right and $240 shipped for the notcher and a 1 3/4" hole saw. Now the only thing holding me back is the lack of tubing to build my R/A's.:mad: Still cant find a dealer around here with decent prices. Might just have to bite the bullet. Me and my brother are gonna finish removing an engine from an s10 in our garage tomorrow so i have room to work. i am gonna have a buddy setup my axles for me. He works for Ohio Cat and Sets them up for loaders and all the heavy equipment. He will do it for free, i just have to run the exhaust on his truck and 69 camaro. Trading services:thumbsup: will save some coin that way. While he is doing that i will hopefully be tearing the front end apart.

Any suggestions as to supporting the ex while doing the sas? I was thinking jackstands forst but dont think they will be tall enough. and they might get in the way. any ideas/suggestions?

weld the jack stands to a steel rim...

not a bad idea at all...:D will just have to find some old steelies. shouldnt be hard.

Since i am going to be doing a body lift also, you think it would make more sense to do that first before i do the SAS? I am kinda dreading the body mount bolts...:rolleyes:

Heres how i got mine supported right now.


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That notcher is a jewel

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me and my brother got the motor out of the s10 so next weekend that will get scrapped and ill have a spot to pull my ex in and get that started. hopefully i will get my tube this week also. got to make a few phone calls tomorrow. i have trainig tues wed and thurs so i should get out of work around 4 and will have some daylight to clean up the garage and get the rest of my parts together, prepped, and painted. progress will be soon to follow....:D
