Finally!! PAExplorer's X sport is done! | Page 3 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Finally!! PAExplorer's X sport is done!

hell no! 4X4!

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Which one of you punks voted "sour" !! Jealousy I guess! J/K.

Got the skid plate done! Next step is powder coat.


  • skid plate.jpg
    skid plate.jpg
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Good, I'm glad it's a 4x4, I think someone had said "nice for a 2wd" or something like that...

Anyway, do you have any plans to get a winch? Will it work on that bumper??

Like Blee1099 wrote in his 2/12 post you can see the CV axles in the front end.

doh! my bad, just went right over that pic...

that bumper could be adapted for a winch probably. Eric did get pulled from a stuck by it on sunday.

Looks great!:D

The truck and the new skid plate look awesome. :thumbsup:

On another note, i may be going wheelin at paragon with a few friends in early june. If anyone is gonna be out there let me know.

There is a paragon run on the 28th of this month. SIGN UP

What is the lift and what size tires are you running? I want to get other shocks...I have the ones that came with the Superlift. What are you running?

The truck looks good, but I'm VERY PARTIAL to Explorer Sports!! Don't they just look sweet?;)
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I'd love to go to Paragon, but I'm way over here in the western part of the state...someday maybe. Does it cost money to go there and is camping available? It would be cool to get a group of Exploders to go.

A group of explorers are going. Thats the idea. There is camping I beileve.

Your truck is crazy huge! I'd love to see you off road.

Originally posted by TheRookie
There is a paragon run on the 28th of this month. SIGN UP

Well I/my friends are waiting to go because my truck is currently stock. My body lift came on thursday, and we started make my sliders that night. Hopefully my truck will have most of the stuff i need except for tires and wheels in like 3 weeks. I still need to make front and rear bumpers. Oh well, there will always be more trips to paragon.
Hmm i also just realized that the 28th is next sunday. I work from 10-4 that day so i wouldnt have been able to go anyway. Hmm next time i will definately be there. There is indeed camping there. The new 4 wheel magazine that they publish has a whole section on paragon this last issue. That was pretty cool since its a national magazine.

Thanks PAExplorer we are both lucky to have such nice Sports!;) What lift are you running? I assume those are 33s? How does it handle off-road?

I can do some mild off-roading, but I'm sure the suspension would be a little too stiff at someplace like Paragon. The pics I saw had alot of rocks. Also, the 35s don't give you much room...I have 33s that I use in the wintertime, but they would not be the best off road. Is that skidplate a necessity for running Paragon?

I've got a 3" body lift, 2" OME lift springs, and TT. The back end has settled a little, so I'm going to throw some shackles in there. I've only been to Paragon once and believe me, I'm glad I finished the fab work on that skid plate the day before! I bashed it pretty good a couple of times. The plate is 1/4" steel diamond plate, so it took the punishment without so much as a dent. I am running 33's. Other than the fact that I have no lockers and open diffs and it was snowing when I was up there, I did alright. I was out performed by a stock ranger with limmited slip though, so lockers are next on my list, but the ranger bashed the undercarrage a few times, so I didn't feel like such a loser!

If you are wanting Warrior shackles, I have a set for sell. They were probably only used for a year, but I would sandblast and paint them before putting them on.

I think they are only painted from the factory...not powdercoated. I could possibly sandblast them at work.

I am asking $40 and that will include shipping. You could easily make a pair yourself too. I can accept Paypal or money order...let me know if you're interested.

Thanks, but I think I might be getting a set for free. If I do need them, I'll let you know.

Yeah yeah yeah you can have my damn shackles Eric. They are powder coated though

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Thanks Dude!
