Fit 2 mufflers photos?? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Fit 2 mufflers photos??


Elite Explorer
April 14, 2007
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Year, Model & Trim Level
'00 Ford Explorer LTD AWD
I seen the pictures of turdle’s explorer that had the mufflers mounted where the spare tire goes but I also remember a while back seeing a few people that managed to fit two mufflers somehow in the stock location. Anybody have photos of this type of set up with two mufflers mounted in the stock muffler location or at least in the general area and how it was done?

This is how I’m setup now and the area I’m speaking of. Think it’s possible to fit two of these exact Borla mufflers in there somehow??


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2 of the round borla S type mufflers would fit there. I'd recommend using a resonator with that muffler, I didn't on my van and you could actually hear it a mile away.

2 of the round borla S type mufflers would fit there. I'd recommend using a resonator with that muffler, I didn't on my van and you could actually hear it a mile away.
Thanks - but I intend to somehow fit my 2nd Saleen XP8 Borla Exhaust in with my existing Saleen XP8 Borla Exhaust in order to run true duals. Just hoping to see some pictures of how people in the past stacked or staggered larger mufflers in this area. I'll probably end up running the 2nd pipe out right next to my existing one


I think stacking them angled sideways might be the best way. I have a friend who had that in about 1999 with a 96 302 Explorer, but I think he changed it quickly to a Flowmaster. I never saw it and he might have bought it that way, he changed exhaust a lot on his vehicles. It will hang down slightly below the frame I'm betting. I own two Borla's similar to the XP8 units, which are likely based on mine(I bought them in 1997 and barely used them under my first 91 Lincoln).

Those have a big width to them, I really didn't consider them when I chose two for my Explorer. I picked the Cherry Bomb Vortex because those are flat on top and bottom, and just under 4" thick. They will stack easily in the original muffler space. Those are supposed to be among higher flowing mufflers and slightly quieter than the loudest. As usual, in person is often different than any sound clips.

I don’t think you’re going to fit two in there without losing ground clearance, if it’s even possible. There’s really no benefit other than being able to say “bro, I got two Saleen mufflers”

You can get 2 center in/outs in there standing tall ways if you trim the heat shield. Your passenger rear floor will be on the warm side though.

I don’t think you’re going to fit two in there without losing ground clearance, if it’s even possible. There’s really no benefit other than being able to say “bro, I got two Saleen mufflers”
Bro, I got two Saleen Mufflers 🍻🤣😂🤣😂

I think stacking them angled sideways might be the best way. I have a friend who had that in about 1999 with a 96 302 Explorer, but I think he changed it quickly to a Flowmaster. I never saw it and he might have bought it that way, he changed exhaust a lot on his vehicles. It will hang down slightly below the frame I'm betting. I own two Borla's similar to the XP8 units, which are likely based on mine(I bought them in 1997 and barely used them under my first 91 Lincoln).

Those have a big width to them, I really didn't consider them when I chose two for my Explorer. I picked the Cherry Bomb Vortex because those are flat on top and bottom, and just under 4" thick. They will stack easily in the original muffler space. Those are supposed to be among higher flowing mufflers and slightly quieter than the loudest. As usual, in person is often different than any sound clips.
Thanks Don. I think RubySlow had his like that at one time (see photos). I also remember of some photos of someone’s flowmaster mufflers flat and staggered but can’t seem to find them.

F54D75EC-2418-4631-978C-667F7F79471D.jpeg 2C8DC898-A505-4DB6-B956-FBE09B8C9F4F.jpeg

That's about how I recall my friend's truck looking underneath. From the side there was over an inch of the muffler visible below the frame.

BTW, I think the heat shield is plastic, some older models and back were sheet metal. I would suggest making a new shield out of SS for the long term. Size it to fit very close to the floorboard, which will let the mufflers be closer to the floor than not having any shield. Toss the plastic shield, that has to have a lot bigger gap to the muffler to survive the heat.

That's about how I recall my friend's truck looking underneath. From the side there was over an inch of the muffler visible below the frame.

BTW, I think the heat shield is plastic, some older models and back were sheet metal. I would suggest making a new shield out of SS for the long term. Size it to fit very close to the floorboard, which will let the mufflers be closer to the floor than not having any shield. Toss the plastic shield, that has to have a lot bigger gap to the muffler to survive the heat.
Maybe some material like this to better deal with the heat and allow more space. What is the stuff called by the way?


Also seems that some things already seem to hang low - even for a lowered Explorer so I guess the goal would be to keep to the existing level of stuff at a minimum.


Is the plan to cap the second inlet? I’d run them both, backwards, and have side pipes AND duals out the rear.

Is the plan to cap the second inlet?
Yes as of now that’s what I plan to try. Everything I’ve been able to read seems to indicate this should not be a problem. The only other question is to determine whether to have the matching tip come out on the passenger side next to my existing one or run the 2nd on to the driver’s side. The latter I think brings other questions and issues such as fuel lines, unequal exhaust length considerations, etc. Also with either option, should I be thinking of an X or H pipe??

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I don’t think unequal lengths would matter so much, it’s not like the system will be fighting a lot of back pressure. It would certainly add to the complexity, especially keeping the spare.

Also seems that some things already seem to hang low - even for a lowered Explorer so I guess the goal would be to keep to the existing level of stuff at a minimum.

View attachment 424751

The factory cats hang too low, those have always bothered me. There is room for them to tuck up closer, and it's the rear two which hang low, those should not exist.

I had a '97 XLT with SOHC. I had replaced the dual inlet / single outlet with two Flowmaster 50 series. Placed them in the conventional position under the rear passenger and ran dual exhaust over the axle and out the rear using Gibson slash-cut stainless tips, one on each side. The spare tire was removed. The mufflers were mounted at an angle about 40 degrees off vertical with no heat shields. Yes, there was some of the muffler that was visible from the side but it wasn't objectionable. The truck is still being used on a daily basis by the person I sold it to. Photos were taken in 2018 with 170 k on the clock at time of sale.
1997_Explorer 006.JPG
. 1997_Explorer 015.JPG

I had a '97 XLT with SOHC. I had replaced the dual inlet / single outlet with two Flowmaster 50 series. Placed them in the conventional position under the rear passenger and ran dual exhaust over the axle and out the rear using Gibson slash-cut stainless tips, one on each side. The spare tire was removed. The mufflers were mounted at an angle about 40 degrees off vertical with no heat shields. Yes, there was some of the muffler that was visible from the side but it wasn't objectionable. The truck is still being used on a daily basis by the person I sold it to. Photos were taken in 2018 with 170 k on the clock at time of sale.View attachment 424784. View attachment 424785
Can you post bottom photos to show how you placed mufflers and ran exhaust please? Also a side view perhaps like this?

Thank You in advance!


Here's a few pictures I saved of a couple of other member's tail pipes. The size will effect how possible it may be to get around the tire and the brake line etc.

Explorer dual tailpipes.jpg dual exhaust Explorer.jpeg Dual tail pipes 1.jpg Dual tail pipes 0.jpg

Can you post bottom photos to show how you placed mufflers and ran exhaust please? Also a side view perhaps like this?

Thank You in advance!

View attachment 424788
Muscle Junky, I don't have any photos of the underside of my white 97 showing pipe routing & muffler placement nor photos from the side like the red Explorer above. Sorry.

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Muscle Junky, I don't have any photos of the underside of my white 97 showing pipe routing & muffler placement nor photos from the side like the red Explorer above. Sorry.
Ok. Thanks
