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Fitting 35's?


Well-Known Member
February 16, 1999
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Vancouver, BC
Year, Model & Trim Level
'92 XLT
A question for everyone fitting 35's or 36's, what are fitting issues front and rear. The obvious is fender trimming at the rear of the front fender. But is this major reconstruction or some moderate trimming? What about the rear? How much lift is everyone running?


Dale - looking at some 35's in the future...

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I have a 4" lift with 35s. In the front I have the fiberglass fenders so there is no problems in the front. There is a lot you can cut away and bang back on the firewall to clear the tire so it won't rub at all.

The rear I had to cut body and ended up rolling it under so the tire wouldn't be hitting any sharp metal pieces. I have the Bushwacker flares on it right now so you can't see any of that. I am going to get the fiberglass for the rear soon. The only rubbing I have is in the rear on the inner well. The only cure for that is to widen it. Besides it doesn't rub that much.

If your not affraid to cut they will fit no problem. You can make it look good even with some cutting as long as you do it right.

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How much lift did you put on it witht he straight axle?
Good luck!

The cutting on the rear of the front fender is not what I would call severe, more moderate. Mine starts just above the rubber sud strip on the fender and goes down and back to in between the two bolts that hold the fender on at the bottom. I cut off the front bolt but left the back one so that the fender wouldn't flap around. I didn't have to cut any in the rear. My tire stuffs back there with a 1/4 inch on each side. I haven't had any rubbing on the inner fender either. I have superlift 5.5 springs up front with 1 inch spacers and a soa in rear.

I'm running about 6" of lift front and back. Thanks for the info...

Well, I put the 35's on. No rubbing on the street, but some cutting will need to be done. I'm not sure about the rear, but the front for sure. I moved my axle forward 1" when I did my solid swap, I think that really helped.


Well, congratulations. I bet the 1" forward helped a lot. When at full lock and completely stuffed in the wheel well, the right fron hits the firewall barely. I really didn't have to trim much in the rear for them not to rub when fully tucked off-road. Good luck with whatever you need to do.

my 35's only rub on the R/A cause the wheel offset is slightly off... My front fenders are trimmed back a few inches, back are stock

PEte, how do you go about doing this trimming? A grinder I saw leggo cut and welded the lip back but my dumbass will F something up if I try that, I guess I am looking for an easy way

Well, I'm sure it's similar on the limited, but I took and there is a black lower painted trim on my X. From about that being my top point, i drew a line down, and the fender has 2 lower bolts holding it on... I made templates to match the sides, and cut between the bolts, sorta so to speak...
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Those are the best pics I got, you can see they're kinda trimmed back.
