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For all the Moab-bound Explorers

Explorer Girl

Well-Known Member
February 1, 2001
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I know most of you will be heading out in the next couple of days (some of you may be leaving already) for Moab, and I just wanted to send all of you who are lucky enough to be going my best wishes that you have a wonderful and (major) disaster-free trip! Be safe, both while out exploring Moab and on the road to and from Utah. I'm sure we'll all be eagerly awaiting to hear your stories when y'all return, and hopefully more of us will be able to join y'all next year.

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and here I thought that meant you were going to join us :). Thanks for the kind thoughts, hopefully it'll be a safe trip, and we won't have any rollovers like last year :).

Well Matt, honestly, I would love to be able to take off and join y'all in Moab, but besides logistical concerns, like the fact that I wouldn't have a place to stay at this point, time and money factors simply won't allow it. This girl needs to make money this summer before heading back to school, so taking time off at the beginning of the summer just doesn't work. Keep an eye on each other, and y'all behave yourselves out there! ;)

Originally posted by Explorer Girl
Well Matt, honestly, I would love to be able to take off and join y'all in Moab ;)

O.K. lets see, there are a few going from Texas so you could jump in one of there trucks and hide in the back. In fact I don't think you would have to hide.
Bring a sleeping bag and I would think someone would let you sleep in there Explorer. You can't be that tall that you wouldn't fit in the back. I know Matt has slept in his before and he is 6'8" or taller.
No Matt she can't stay in your truck if you are within the same state!!!!

I know we would be willing to share some sandwiches with you so there WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR????
Your trip to Moab is planned and you won't have to spend any money.

I don't know about the rest, but since this is our first trip to Moab we are really EXCITED!!!!!

You make it sound so easy Perry--and SO tempting too! True, you seem to have all the logistics worked out for me to where I wouldn't really have to spend any money (adn thanks for offering to share your sandwiches!), but right now I have to be concerned with the earning end of the money spectrum, and since this is only my first full week of my summer job, I don't see my running off to Moab as going over too well around here.

I can completely understand your excitement, and I would be totally excited too! Sadly, for me, Moab will have to be something off in the future. Maybe I'll be able to make it happen next year--and by then, I may even be in a newer Ex! :D

Originally posted by Explorer Girl
You make it sound so easy Perry--and SO tempting too! True, you seem to have all the logistics worked out for me to where I wouldn't really have to spend any money (adn thanks for offering to share your sandwiches!), but right now I have to be concerned with the earning end of the money spectrum, and since this is only my first full week of my summer job, I don't see my running off to Moab as going over too well around here.

I can completely understand your excitement, and I would be totally excited too! Sadly, for me, Moab will have to be something off in the future. Maybe I'll be able to make it happen next year--and by then, I may even be in a newer Ex! :D

Keep this in the back of your mind. There is another CCR2001 run coming up this year and that should be later in the year. Plus mile wise it is closer.

That's baloney (I started spelling it baloney rather then balogna because in my new language, we spell things how they sound) ... I nearly had to quit my job so I could go to Truckhaven 2000, so tough it out and take a few days off! LOL j/k, we wouldn't force ya. Like Perry mentioned, CCR2001. I don't think anyones done any planning for it yet but hopefully we'll figure out some good trails to do...

I'll try to keep that in mind guys. I'd love to get back to Colorado--it's been several years since I've had the opportunity to get up there. . .

Oh, and Matt--can we speak your new language in my new world where money grows on trees and we air-condition the outdoors? (Whoa! Flashbacks to things my parents used to say when I was younger . . . )

Originally posted by Explorer Girl

Oh, and Matt--can we speak your new language in my new world where money grows on trees and we air-condition the outdoors? (Whoa! Flashbacks to things my parents used to say when I was younger . . . )

Sorry, I'm only responsible for the language, money on trees and other logistics with outdoor air-conditioning would need to be discussed with a higher power.

X Girl,
There's a seat in my X for you if you decide to go by tomorrow evening (Mon). Meet us in Austin and join us for the trip! We're leaving Austin around 9am on Tues. We even have an extra twin bed in the cabin at Moab, or I'm bringing along the Explorer tent so you could sleep in there. So if by some crazy chance you can make it, call me!

My cell is (and this is for all you other folks): 512 731-9080. You can call me until midday Tues and it's free for me. After that (when I'm outside TX) I have to pay some roaming charges, but call me if you need me!

Explorer Girl,
Well if you ask me I don't see any reason you can't go now. Way to get there, place to stay and like I said we will have extra sandwhich's (if you like peanut butter and pickle that is) or we could bring some p&j for you.
You did say your young right? So this would be one of those WILD spur of the momunt or better known as a WILD HAIR!!
It would be something you could tell your kids how you just decided the day before to take a vacation.
I bet your job would understand. It's a once in a life time.
I know my folks will have extra food also. Just ask anyone from the Colorado area they will tell you.

Originally posted by Perry

I know my folks will have extra food also. Just ask anyone from the Colorado area they will tell you.

Lets see, what all was I offered... carrots, cookies, chocolate bars... and I seem to recall hearing extra sandwiches and drinks, LOL. ACtually I always bring way more food with me then I need to (I had three lunch packs up at saxon and I only ate one!)

Wow, I can't get over how generous you all are, and you make it sounds way too easy and tempting. I still can't get over the fact that there are people who've never even met me that are willing to take me, feed me, and give me a place to stay (btw, thanks for the offer Alec . . . your cabin-mates might not agree though, I don't know) Yes, Perry, I am young and could use a good wild spur of the moment experience, but there's just no way I can do it this time. Unfortunately, my job wouldn't understand. If I just took off for Moab, there would be no job waiting for me when I got back, and I'm going to have to take some time off pretty soon as it is. I really wish I could go, but it just won't work out this time. I really hope that someday I will get to meet all you wonderful people though--y'all are great!

Thought we could make it easy but I guess not so Alec you will have to do some detective work, find out were she works and kidnap her!!! That will do it.
That would be a great excuse for work also.

You wouldnt happen to be driving through the cleveland area on your way out there?

.............Oh? no.......oh well!!

Just thought I would give it a shot.

Explorer Girl, I bought an extra bag of jerky incase you do come. I'll also bring an extra bag of chips and some extra Winnie the Pooh fruit snacks!! I hope you can come out. It's good to have more of us females attend!! We need to keep those guys on the streight and narrow!!!!!!!

I hear where your coming from Explorer Girl. I'm stuck here in Dallas while everyone else goes to Utah.:( It sucks, but but I need the money for school in the Fall and I'm getting hitched in a couple of months.:smoke: I don't think the woman would like Moab for a honeymoon.:nono:

Anyways, hope everyone has a good time and take lots of pics for us stuck at home. Godspeed;)
