Ford has released tsb for squeaking brakes!!!! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Ford has released tsb for squeaking brakes!!!!


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Elite Explorer
February 25, 2011
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2020 Explorer ST
Brought my Ex in today again for greasy front windows and squeaking brakes. Ford has a redesign on the brake pads. Tsb 11-10-29.

My parts are on order.


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wow.. about time... every time I take it in they say "can't reproduce the problem"... I was starting to get annoyed

wow.. about time... every time I take it in they say "can't reproduce the problem"... I was starting to get annoyed

Thats what I got the first time but I can reproduce it everytime. It just has to be at the correct pressure being applied to do it.

Now that they have admitted a problem and have released a TSB will they replace my rotors that they previously turned to try to resolve the problem???

Brought my Ex in today again for greasy front windows and squeaking brakes. Ford has a redesign on the brake pads. Tsb 11-10-29.

My parts are on order.


LOL... I'm really REALLY sick of FORD service.
I called in, I had them bring up my records, I have mentioned the squeaking brakes in 3 visits in the last 8 months. Each time they tell me they couldn't reproduce the problem. So I just called in, said that a service bulletin was released regarding the brakes, I was told that if the tech can't reproduce the problem we can't do the fix.

I had a problem that I've been griping about for long before a bulletin comes out. A bulletin comes out that specifically covers the issue I described, and they refuse to fix because the tech can't reproduce the problem?

I'm furious... this is my First Ford vehicle, and service has been nothing but a pain in the ass, this WILL be my last Ford vehicle.. damn I can't wait until my lease is up.

It's not ford it's the dealer go to another dealer and watch they will fix it isaid it once and i will say it again the dealers are hurting ford !!!

It's not ford it's the dealer go to another dealer and watch they will fix it isaid it once and i will say it again the dealers are hurting ford !!!

the dealers are supposed to be an extension of Ford... I don't want to have to drive 20+ miles to another dealer, I want to drive down the street, and have the problems on a 40,000$ vehicle fixed. As of now, unless someone can show me they are otherwise competent this is my last Ford vehicle, the stress isn't worth the ride.

Get in contact with corey he will help !!

LOL... I'm really REALLY sick of FORD service.
I called in, I had them bring up my records, I have mentioned the squeaking brakes in 3 visits in the last 8 months. Each time they tell me they couldn't reproduce the problem. So I just called in, said that a service bulletin was released regarding the brakes, I was told that if the tech can't reproduce the problem we can't do the fix.

I had a problem that I've been griping about for long before a bulletin comes out. A bulletin comes out that specifically covers the issue I described, and they refuse to fix because the tech can't reproduce the problem?

I'm furious... this is my First Ford vehicle, and service has been nothing but a pain in the ass, this WILL be my last Ford vehicle.. damn I can't wait until my lease is up.

I know what you mean.. the dealer I'm seeing now is my normal dealer, the guys bends backwards for his customers but is on the up and up. I thought for sure when he called me he was going to say that they couldn't duplicate it. But the fact I've been complaining about it for the past 8,000 miles and now Ford has a TSB with a updated pad speaks for itself. It's an issue!!

No offense to Cory but if the dealer can't duplicate it, they will not replace it. I've dealt with the CS rep for my area through Cory and she said the same thing. Fortunately they did duplicate it.

It's all about the dealer, the right person at the right dealer. I'm very picky about what tech works on my x or 150.. It's the same guy who has worked in the service department for 13 yrs, never had an issue. Bought x at a new Ford dealer, gave them two chances to fix things, got the run around, and went back to the other old dealership.

Brought my Ex in today again for greasy front windows and squeaking brakes...My parts are on order.

You’re very welcome, blwnsmoke! That’s great news the parts have been ordered. :)

...I had a problem that I've been griping about for long before a bulletin comes out. A bulletin comes out that specifically covers the issue I described, and they refuse to fix because the tech can't reproduce the problem?...

I see in my inbox that you sent me a message. I have a few PMs before yours so I’ll send a reply as soon as I can. Please let me know via PM any updates you’d like sent in addition to your message.

Get in contact with corey he will help !!
Thanks for the shout out, NEWPORTNJ! You rock! :cool:

For those experiencing a noise concern, I’m happy to lend a hand by forwarding the details to the Customer Service Manager in your area. If you haven’t already, please send a PM with your contact information, VIN, mileage, and dealer name/state.


Maybe the dealer needs to hold the car outside, in the rain, overnight before checking it out.

I usually can tell it's going to happen after a period of rain or fog and the vehicle sits long enough for a thin film of rust to form on the rotors. If I see the rust, the first brake cycle done with very light peddle pressure while barely moving will cause the noise.

It's not ford it's the dealer go to another dealer and watch they will fix it isaid it once and i will say it again the dealers are hurting ford !!!
+1. I know a vehicle is worth a lot of money, and I know that it is frustrating dealing with a dealer because there are so many crappy ones out there. Unfortunately, if one is incompetent, then another needs to be sought.

So what are they replacing the rotors or the front pads?

Brought my Ex in today again for greasy front windows and squeaking brakes. Ford has a redesign on the brake pads. Tsb 11-10-29.

My parts are on order.


Update please.
Brakes fixed?
Mine squeaking too. Been waiting for a fix before taking it in.

Update please.
Brakes fixed?
Mine squeaking too. Been waiting for a fix before taking it in.

Parts came in on Friday but I can't make it in till this Thursday. I'm dropping off at 9am to have the pads replaced and the tsb done for the greasy windows. Will update Thursday afternoon.

Parts came in on Friday but I can't make it in till this Thursday. I'm dropping off at 9am to have the pads replaced and the tsb done for the greasy windows. Will update Thursday afternoon.


Got the Ex back around 5pm today.. So far, no squeaking brakes!!! Granted it's only been 3 hours however, it used to squeal in traffic and when pulling into the garage and neither happened today.

Everything has been addressed finally by Ford thus far except MFT which is coming 1st quarter of next year. I can finally say (may be a little premature) that the Ex is finally the vehicle it was meant to be.

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Uh oh, let's hope it doesn't turn into THIS!
