Ford Remote Access Cellular Remote Start Special | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Ford Remote Access Cellular Remote Start Special

January 24, 2012
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Levittown, NY
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Hey guys we are running a super deal on Ford's Remote start cellular access system.

This U.S based version allows you to access functions on your vehicle from anywhere in the country within cellular range or anywhere in world via internet access.

- Remote features allow you to lock/un-lock/start/stop and receive immediate notifications via text alerts of warn away shock incidents, Window breakage or vehicle entry.
- All components are plug and play and can be installed in 15-20 minutes
- Vehicles with factory remote start do not require any dealer visit
- We activate for Free when purchased from us
- There is a 50.00 annual service fee

Click Photo for more details

Please let us know if you have any questions!


Hey guys we are running a super deal on Ford's Remote start cellular access system.

This U.S based version allows you to access functions on your vehicle from anywhere in the country within cellular range or anywhere in world via internet access.

- Remote features allow you to lock/un-lock/start/stop and receive immediate notifications via text alerts of warn away shock incidents, Window breakage or vehicle entry.
- All components are plug and play and can be installed in 15-20 minutes
- Vehicles with factory remote start do not require any dealer visit
- We activate for Free when purchased from us
- There is a 50.00 annual service fee

Click Photo for more details

Please let us know if you have any questions!


is this offer still going on? What is the cost? Thanks
