Ford Sync (not Sync 3) software update will not recognize USB drive | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Ford Sync (not Sync 3) software update will not recognize USB drive


Well-Known Member
March 30, 2017
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South Jersey
Year, Model & Trim Level
2017 Explorer XLT
There is a new update posted for my 2017 XLT SYNC, (not SYNC 3). I tried it, trying to follow the directions , but the car will not read the USB drives.

It says to use a drive at least 32GB formatted in exFat. I tried a 128GB USB 3.0 formatted in exFat, as well as a 32GB USB 2.0 formatted in exFat. The car cannot recognize the drives.

I popped in an 8GB drive formatted in Fat32 with music on it , the car can read that fine, so the USB port is not broken.

Has anyone else tried this new update on a SYNC, not SYNC 3 vehicle? Anyone else with this problem?

(Edit) Mac formatting instructions:


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This will sound silly, but did you format it on a Mac or a PC?

Even selecting the proper PC format on a Mac, I've had issues.

WIN10 Pro PC, and I tried lowering the 128kB allocation size on the 128GB to 64kB. The 32GB allocation size was 32kB. So that doesn't seem to be it.
I'm thinking that it does not recognize the exFat file system, I would try to flash it using Fat32 but it specifically says to use exFat.

Wondering if the information is different between SYNC and SYNC3, and that the information on exFat is not correct for SYNC, and that Ford tried to do one common set of directions for both?

exFAT would have been fairly new when that generation Sync was debuted, so that might honestly be the case.

Fat32 is the winner, worked fine. So much for instructions.
It does take a good 20+ minutes and there is no progress information on the screen during most of it, so be patient until it tells you it is done. You are going to have to stay in the car so that you don't miss the message at the end telling you it's done.

Fat32 is the winner, worked fine. So much for instructions.
It does take a good 20+ minutes and there is no progress information on the screen during most of it, so be patient until it tells you it is done. You are going to have to stay in the car so that you don't miss the message at the end telling you it's done.
Were you able to report the successful installation?


Hello Peter
Yes the procedure went fine , once completed, I took the USB drive back to my PC and uploaded an .xml file as directed to confirm the successful update.
Who knows, maybe one of the changes that this update did will allow it to read exFat the next time, but this time it was a no-go.
I would say Ford should be a bit embarrassed, at messing up simple how-to instructions.
It would be nice to see a change log to know what the update contained. Anyone out there have access to that information that you can share?

I was hopeful that this update would get Vehicle Health Report working, but no joy. Open the FordPass app on the cell phone, connect in SYNC Applink, and .......... it does nothing...... With a Galaxy S7 set as the primary in my Ford account , the FordPass app will stay connected on the phone, but again, it does not do anything (that I can see). I tried two different Nexus 5X phones, each time setting them as primary in my Ford account first, as soon as they connect to the SYNC the FordPass app crashes on the phone every time.

FordPass has been garbage on anything before an 18 Explorer, phone issues notwithstanding. All it ever did was phone home my car's data at that point to Michigan.

BTW, Vehicle Health Report isn't anything to worry about. Even if there is an issue, the extent of the information is "hey, you have a check engine light on, go see your dealer!" No codes, no real description, nothing. It's just generic information related to a fault light you can already see in front of you. There is no additional meaningful insight that it gleans.

Hum I have mine working on my Galaxy S7. I turn off Android Auto on the radio then connect with Ford Pass pretty easy. I have done this several times over the last few months. I can not get it to work on my F150, so I try on my EX before the F150.

I am at V2.3 in a 2017 Platinum EX

It sounds like you have SYNC 3 on your Platinum.
I have SYNC on an 2017 XLT. (SYNC has the small display screen) No android auto with SYNC.

It sounds like you have SYNC 3 on your Platinum.
I have SYNC on an 2017 XLT. (SYNC has the small display screen) No android auto with SYNC.

You are correct. Not sure how to do it on that model.

It is advertised as a feature when I sign in to my account, so it should work. If it does not work with SYNC , then they shouldn't advertise it. Deceptive and frustrating.

It is advertised as a feature when I sign in to my account, so it should work. If it does not work with SYNC , then they shouldn't advertise it. Deceptive and frustrating.

I use it on my 2013 GT500 with the base Sync, so it should work on yours. That being said, when I had a 2015 F150 XL with base Sync it was not an option.

I just upgraded my MFT Sync 2 in my 2016 Explorer to Sync 3 w/ v2.2. I have downloaded 2.3 to a FAT32 formatted USB and the system doesn't recognize it. My USB drive is older so I am buying a new 64gb USB 3.0 model to try the update again. Will keep everyone posted on success.

I just upgraded my MFT Sync 2 in my 2016 Explorer to Sync 3 w/ v2.2. I have downloaded 2.3 to a FAT32 formatted USB and the system doesn't recognize it. My USB drive is older so I am buying a new 64gb USB 3.0 model to try the update again. Will keep everyone posted on success.
The notice on my account said to format the USB to exFat but another member mentioned either should work.


I tried exFAT and FAT32. I believe my specific issue is that my USB drives are old, small and slow.

I tried exFAT and FAT32. I believe my specific issue is that my USB drives are old, small and slow.
I used a 32GB USB that I had laying around and was finally able to get the update completed on the 3rd try.


Got my 32gb USB3 thumb drive today. Will test!

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It took using a new 32gb USB3.0 drive. Going to run with v2.3 for a while before attempting the latest.
