Ford's Cellular Remote Access | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Ford's Cellular Remote Access

January 24, 2012
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City, State
Levittown, NY
Year, Model & Trim Level
With winter here it's a great time to add a feature that will help keep you and your loved ones warmed up!

Ford's cellular remote system is compatible with 2011-2017 Explorers and is completely plug and play. In most cases NO dealer visit is required! We activate the system for free when purchased from us.

For more product information please see the links below

2011-2015 Explorer's Ford Explorer Remote Start System - Cellular Access Kit Special (Part No: DL3Z-19A390-B + DL3Z-19A361-A)
2016-2017 Explorer's Ford Explorer Remote Start System - Cellular Access Kit Special (Part No: DL3Z-19A390-B + FT4Z-19A361-A)

Please let us know if you have any questions.

Thank you,

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Interested in adding this, anyone able to comment on adding these modules? Any pit-falls or issues to be concerned about?

I understand you are looking for current owners feedback but please let us know if you have any questions about the product or it's installation.

Thank you,

I've had some form of this system in 3 vehicles, I've been happy each time and I've installed it myself without any issues. I had to buy a couple of new components to support the Explorer's network configuration, but other than that, golden.

So long as the seller provides activation (I'm confident Levittown would) initially, you're good to go.

The links are dead. This still active?
