Forest Service ordered to re-examine key wilderness areas in 4 So. Cal. forests | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Forest Service ordered to re-examine key wilderness areas in 4 So. Cal. forests


Moderator Emeritus
Elite In Memoriam
March 4, 2007
Reaction score
City, State
anaheim hills,california
Year, Model & Trim Level
95 ranger 4x4/ 91 X 4x4
..If you live anywhere in So Cal and hit the dirt at all, this affects you..:eek:

..They are really talking about closing a number of these and quickly..I heard the news today and within the week the meetings will already be started..

After losing a lawsuit brought by the state and several environmental groups, the U.S. Forest Service is under court order to re-evaluate how it manages about one million acres in four Southern California forests - including the local Angeles National Forest.

Changes are being considered to the land management plan for the Angeles, Cleveland, Los Padres and San Bernardino National forests, a huge area that runs from Big Sur to San Diego, from Santa Clarita to Mount Baldy and into the resort towns of Arrowhead and Big Bear.

..This also includes Azusa and Main Divide Rd...:(

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..Bumpin for the cause..:D

Yeah they found an endangered snail in a mud hole in the forrest near me. Shut down half the land. I dont know the exact acreage but it shut down alot of good trails.

Teejay4490 said:
Yeah they found an endangered snail in a mud hole in the forrest near me. Shut down half the land. I dont know the exact acreage but it shut down alot of good trails.

Really? A snail?

It was either a snail or slug I cant remember, either way its stupid. Everybody still drives around in that area. You see FWC, time for alittle hide and go seek!

..Bumping for the cause and there is a meeting tomorrow evening..

The Forest Service will hold nine public workshops throughout the Southland. The closest hearing will be held from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. Wednesday, May 30 at the new Angeles National Forest Headquarters, 701 N. Santa Anita Ave., Arcadia, right off the 210 Freeway.

as much as i hate when a good park or trail gets closed down (a favorite mtb trail of mine is currently being considered for closure), its often times the fault of a few thoughtless people that ruin it for the rest of us. i know that sometimes its because of an endangered species, or because of budget cuts but whenever i go fishing, hiking, biking or wheeling lately, i always bring an extra garbage bag or two because i often find myself cleaning up after some ****** bags that left their natty ice beer cans everywhere. i hate the fact that i have to do this, but i feel like if someone isnt trying to keep the trails clean, the next time i visit there will be even more trash. over the memorial day weekend, i took my gf fishing for trout at a lake called camanche. it was a big lake and there were a ton of boaters and people playing along the banks. i snapped this picture of what the first spot on the bank that we got our lines wet and this is what we found along the bank:

normally, people in california are pretty good about keeping our parks clean, but lately ive been finding trash everywhere i go.
