Found a grease fitting, how much to put in? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Found a grease fitting, how much to put in?


Well-Known Member
July 4, 2006
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City, State
Jacksonville, FL
Year, Model & Trim Level
2020 Ford Explorer XLT
Was checking out how much was left on my brake pads and to my surprise I found grease fittings on the front and rear calipers. My brain must be failing because I don't remember seeing these, and I've owned 5 different gens of Xs. Oh well, was wondering what they were there for and how much grease should I put in? I bought this 2020 XLT new about 5 years ago. I've put caliper grease on the pins before, just don't recall seeing these. Actually it might be near the caliper and not on it. Thanks


LOL, I hope you didn't try to put any grease in. That isn't a grease zerk, that's the caliper bleeder screw.

LOL, I hope you didn't try to put any grease in. That isn't a grease zerk, that's the caliper bleeder screw.
Of course. I knew I was right, but for the wrong reason. And I've bleed them before 🤣 Bad brain 🧠 🤣 Don't get old.
