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Fox News: Ford PIU test drive: The fastest police car is Ford's new SUV


Elite Explorer
May 31, 2019
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2020 Explorer ST
Ford Police Interceptor Utility test drive: The fastest police car is Ford's new SUV
Ford Police Interceptor Utility test drive: The fastest police car is Ford's new SUV
The Explorer based-SUV is available with at 400 hp twin-turbocharged 3.0-liter V6 that delivers top performance, according to the Michigan State Police benchmark tests. It’s quicker and faster around a track than the competitor’s sedans, not to mention the discontinued Taurus-based cruiser. Its 1:36:47 lap time around Grattan Raceway beating the all-wheel-drive Dodge Charger Hemi V8's 1:37:10.

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Very good, maybe they will also upgrade the 3.0T engine too.

Ford Police Interceptor Utility test drive: The fastest police car is Ford's new SUV
Ford Police Interceptor Utility test drive: The fastest police car is Ford's new SUV
The Explorer based-SUV is available with at 400 hp twin-turbocharged 3.0-liter V6 that delivers top performance, according to the Michigan State Police benchmark tests. It’s quicker and faster around a track than the competitor’s sedans, not to mention the discontinued Taurus-based cruiser. Its 1:36:47 lap time around Grattan Raceway beating the all-wheel-drive Dodge Charger Hemi V8's 1:37:10.

Michigan State Police benchmark tests: Includes the 2020 Ford Explorer PIU

Michigan State Police benchmark tests: Includes the 2020 Ford Explorer PIU

MSP Results.JPG

The hybrid performed quite well.
Also didn't realise there was a specific police version F150. Is that new?
The F-150 is a "Responder" vs an "Interceptor" as is rated for different use but as you can see still quick and a good use in more rural applications.

Mad Max would be proud, in his interceptor.
