Frame for front license plate bracket? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Frame for front license plate bracket?


New Member
March 28, 2017
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Year, Model & Trim Level
2017 Explorer Platinum
The OEM license plate bracket on the front of my '17 Platinum has two lips at the top which obstruct the installation of a weathertech (or like) license plate frame. Has anyone seen or used something different that installs cleaner? My only idea so far is to cut the lips off and add some new screw holes to the top but my fear is that cutting them will look worse than no frame at all. I used another frame using the just the bottom screws to hold it on and its already bending forward from car wash, etc.


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Try cutting it.
If you dont like it, you can have mine (just pay shipping).

Mine 17 Ex had the same when I went to install my WeatherTechs. I took a box knife and cut it back. Now it sits flush.

You can see it's flush now. When you cut it will leave a corner that wont match the rest of the curved edge. You only notice it up close.


Thanks for the great photos! I might just try that
