FROADER's 2010 XLT | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Elite Explorer
January 28, 2000
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Huntington Beach, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
1991 Eddie
The wife and I picked this up last night. We traded in the F-150 for a more practical family car and something that Michelle would be comfortable driving (I drive her 4cyl Camry to work [40mi. one way] every day). The truck was just too big for her. The crazy thing is having a monthly payment of $180/mo is going to save me money (gas, insurance) from owning the F-150 outright.

Bone stock 2010 XLT
black/black & tan
4.0 - (I wanted the v8 but I'm happy with the 6)
Brand new Kumho Adventurers.
3rd row seats

The mods will be on hold for quite a while except I'm going to take the emblems off the back.



Wesley already has more stuff in it than either of us.




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Very nice.:thumbsup:

Agreed- nice truck, Colin! :thumbsup:

Congrats Colin. Looks great!!:chug:

..Congrats on the new Family Wagon..:D

..Hopefully you can take some of that money you are saving and start modding that storage shelf of a Ranger...

..Yea...I saw it in the background being all neglected...:p:


Looks like the RBV inside wants to get out!
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So is this vehicle #27 for Froader? I like it.

Thanks guys.

I think it's 21 or 22... Winter asked me last night when they were over, but I'll have to go through and count them. Although, I think in the F-150 or Ranger thread I might have said where I'm at. :)

I drove it to work today and I really like this thing. I'd like to get the Adrenaline 20s or Edge 22s with some all weather/terrains and call it good.

I know where there's a dirt cheap HP44/9" combo... just sayin'

Sad to see someone ditch an FX4 F150, but at least you got an Explorer out of the deal!

Adrenalin wheels would look fantastic on that, I feel like 22's would be too big.

It was sad to see it go for sure, but I have to be a responsible adult now with a family of 4, making the wife happy and it was a good deal. I don't mind too much because this explorer is really nice!

I'm thinking the same thing on the 22s. In order to get the sidewall I want, I'd have to lift it and I don't plan to do that. Those adrenaline wheels are bank though! I may end up looking for a nice set of something else, but we'll see when the time comes.

This is basically what it would look like and I can get down with that! :)

Why not try and find a set of 20" rims that Ford put on the late model '08 Explorers? I think they look pretty bad a$$! :thumbsup: BLING BLING! :D




Thanks guys.

I drove it to work today and I really like this thing. I'd like to get the Adrenaline 20s or Edge 22s with some all weather/terrains and call it good.

That's what I've been saying!!!:thumbsup:

Welcome to the club, they really do ride nice, and you can still do light trails with the fam! :D


I'm starting to get jealous when I see third row seating... I wonder if I should get rid of the second gen in favor of a 3rd gen or newer...

By the way, looks DAMN good.

Steve, I'd like to get out on some light trails.

I'm starting to get jealous when I see third row seating... I wonder if I should get rid of the second gen in favor of a 3rd gen or newer...

By the way, looks DAMN good.
Thanks. I thought about a 2nd gen 5.0 for about a day, then realized it wouldn't work for us like this one will. We actually almost bought an Edge, but I wanted this more and I'm happy with that decision.

With the family of 4 (kids are 12 and 11mo.) the 3rd row is going to be a blessing. We'll be able to throw the tween back there and have room for more than one other person besides our family. My wife and my best friend's wife (they have 7mo. old twins) can't go anywhere together because there aren't enough seats...until now! Three car seats across the rear bench and they're off.

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Yeah. As it stands right now, I can only bring a single adult with me since I've got three boys in back, so it is inconvenient at times, especially since my lawyer's daughter is in the same grade as my middle child, so I sometimes pick her up.

Plus, I've only seen one minivan I've ever liked... and as much as I think it is cool to make a minivan look like a space shuttle, I think my kids would get laughed at.
