Front end work done. Anything I missed? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Front end work done. Anything I missed?


Texas Elite Explorer
January 22, 2013
Reaction score
City, State
Plano, TX.
Year, Model & Trim Level
None: SOLD 9/16
Over the course of the last year I have completed hubs (this past weekend), new rotors/pads(F&R), inner/outer tie rods, lower ball joints, UCA's+balljoints, shocks(F&R), sway bar bushings(F&R), and end links(F&R). And had my local shop install a new rack & pinion - old one cut loose and was blowing fluid all over underneath. So I think I'm covered on front end, brakes, & suspension work. Anything I missed!?? Gotta' start thinkin' about my next project!

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Your front end sounds good to me, next should be drop your tranny pan and change the fluid, do your rear diff fluid aswell

I did all the above as well , make sure you use Moog parts, for the hubs I used Mevotech they were cheap and really good, And there warehouse is close to were I live , same with SKF

Yep. Had a trans rebuilt in April and did the diff myself a few weeks ago. I used Moog for the suspension stuff but did the Energy Suspension mod for the endlink bushings.
Used 1AAuto hubs w/ 2 year warranty. They ran a pretty nice sale so I went for it. Didn't actually have plans to do them.

I did have to change out driveshaft u-joints. Front one went bad (real bad vibration) so I went ahead and did both front and rear. Have not done anything with front CV's. Maybe down the road...

Sounds like a lot of work was done. How many miles does it have?

Sounds like a lot of work was done. How many miles does it have?

196k and counting. I was debating about putting $$ into it but when the trans went in April I just decided to go ahead and do it. So had a reputable shop do the trans and all the other stuff I've done. I did have the timing chains done by Ford some years back so no death rattle at all. I know I am way upside down on it but I'll drive her till she just dies I guess. My wife gets the new cars.

196k and counting. I was debating about putting $$ into it but when the trans went in April I just decided to go ahead and do it. So had a reputable shop do the trans and all the other stuff I've done. I did have the timing chains done by Ford some years back so no death rattle at all. I know I am way upside down on it but I'll drive her till she just dies I guess. My wife gets the new cars.

Did you have a national chain fix your trans or a local shop? What did it run you, if you don't mind me asking? I don't have any tranny problems right now, but it's the one part I wont mess with.

Did you have a national chain fix your trans or a local shop? What did it run you, if you don't mind me asking? I don't have any tranny problems right now, but it's the one part I wont mess with.

I had local shop do it. Very reputable, well known in the Dallas area. 30+ years in business. It's called The Auto Shop run by a guy I know from the local Chamber of Commerce. It was $2300 full rebuild with 2 year warranty. Had it done in April and they scheduled a followup in May to do a fluid change and just check things out. No probs so far. Kinda' pricey but I'm satisfied they did a good job and I know the guy from the business community.

I had local shop do it. Very reputable, well known in the Dallas area. 30+ years in business. It's called The Auto Shop run by a guy I know from the local Chamber of Commerce. It was $2300 full rebuild with 2 year warranty. Had it done in April and they scheduled a followup in May to do a fluid change and just check things out. No probs so far. Kinda' pricey but I'm satisfied they did a good job and I know the guy from the business community.

I'd have to think about spending that kind of money on any of my Explorers/Mountaineers, as I paid less than $2300 on 4 of the 5 of them. Still, if you like the vehicle, know it's in good condition otherwise and consider what it's going to cost to replace it with another used vehicle, which may have it's own set of problems, it might be worth it.

Yeah, I've had this one since new and know what the condition is on the rest of the vehicle. As I said I know I am way underwater on it but it just keeps going as long as I keep up maintenance and fixing what breaks. And I will admit there is an emotional attachment also. And at this point I'm kind of interested as to how long I can keep it alive.

Yeah, I've had this one since new and know what the condition is on the rest of the vehicle. As I said I know I am way underwater on it but it just keeps going as long as I keep up maintenance and fixing what breaks. And I will admit there is an emotional attachment also. And at this point I'm kind of interested as to how long I can keep it alive.

I guess we're getting of the original topic here, but I find that rust and worn out interiors is what makes most vehicles unworthy of fixing. Living in the south, rust isn't an issue and I find Explorer interior materials hold up very well to the heat/sun. Unlike GM and Chrysler vehicles I've owned. Before I retired, I always purchased new vehicles and got rid of them in 3 years, so I never had to fix them. Now I find keeping them up is rewarding and I form more of an emotional attachment to them.

Yes, this vehicle has spent it's total life here in the Dallas area with some trips to surrounding states, Tennessee and Colorado being the farthest. Some winter trips but no real extended time in any 'weather' per se. Also, some snow and ice here requires I drop it into 4x once in a while, and a some bird hunting out in the fields now and again but never any real 4-wheeling. I also find working on it my form of therapy... heh.
