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Frozen Doors


September 8, 2008
Reaction score
Year, Model & Trim Level
2003 XLT V6
Is there anything that can possibly be wiped on the weatherstripping on the door frames that would prevent the door from freezing closed?

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just don't wash it if it is too cold,,
i did this just last night, i washed my Ex when leaving work , it was -15 c out,,
one way to avoid the doors from freezing is to open them and just wipe down the seals with a dry rag, to get the water off,
another is to leave the heat on for about 15 minutes in the defrost position, that will make enough heat to dry them

i have never had my doors freeze shut but my windows freeze closed all of the time none of my previous explorers have had this happen so often

try a DRY FILM Silicone Lubricant. I use it on aircraft door seals.

wipe them down with cooking oil/vegetable oil.

Peanut butter maybe? I've used it in the past to keep Fiberglass CB antennas from icing up. Figured I would throw something obscure out there, but you never know, it might work.
