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Fuel pump problems.


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June 10, 2010
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steilacoom, WA
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I love my exploder but i am not loving the problems! Does anyone know if 1995 explorers have an easy access panel for replacing the fuel pump? Also any reccomendations on brands or other misc. advice?

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Welcome to this forum! I've moved your thread into the stock 95-01 section. There is no easy access panel but it's possible to cut one yourself. Check the sticky threads in the body work section for more information.

Thank you for putting my post in a better place. I haven't had much luck finding an affordable replacement pump. Does anyone know if putting in an electric pump under the hood and bypassing the in tank pump would be advisable? I was given this advice by a friend and wanted to run it by some experts first. I'm looking for economical fixes considering i have atleast three repairs to do.1) No noise from the injectors/fuel pump from under the hood when ignition turned over, but will start when primed with fuel into intake. 2)My overdrive,speedometer,and odometer all went out at the same time on the freeway. i've been told that the over drive and speedomter could be as simple as tightening the cables. i hope so.3) Also i believe the ABS is on it's way out. The person i got it from failed to do any maintenace after her husband died, but didn't stop driving it every weekend for two years to Southern part of Oregon from Yelm WA. Any suggestions other than the common reccomendation i get(Shoot it and put it out of my misery):shoot:

IF you want to save money, MAKE SURE that you test everything before starting the road to parts replacing. Its most likely an electrical problem THEREFORE, get a hold of a meter and check things going to the pump and the pump itself... BEFORE you start thinking about cutting hole and replacing parts.

I highly recommend cutting the access panel it is very easy to do with a dremmel or cutting disc. Took me 30 mins to cut the panel and now I can change fuel pumps in 10 mins. I went through 3 CRAP fuel pumps from CHEAP sources and should have just went with the NAPA drop in the first time. As for the abs you don't need it anyways just unplug a sensor under the front bumper and it will be fine.
